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Ecological Survey of Central Arizona: soil chemistry and soil properties in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area and surrounding Sonoran desert, survey year 2000

Publication date: 2018-06-22


  • Dan Childers, Arizona State University
  • Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
  • Diane Hope, Arizona State University
  • Jason Kaye, Penn State
  • Weixing Zhu, Arizona State University


The Ecological Survey of Central Arizona (ESCA) is an extensive field survey and integrated inventory designed to capture key ecological indicators of the CAP LTER study area consisting of the urbanized, suburbanized, and agricultural areas of metropolitan Phoenix, and the surrounding Sonoran desert. The survey is conducted every five years at approximately 200 sample plots (30m x 30m) that were located randomly using a tessellation-stratified dual-density sampling design. Study plots cover habitats throughout the CAP LTER study area ranging from native Sonoran desert sites to residential yards to an airport tarmac. Measurements include an inventory of all plants (identified to the lowest possible taxonomic unit, typically species), plant biovolume, soil coring for physicochemical properties, arthropod sweep-net sampling, photo documentation, and a visual survey of site and area characteristics. The objectives of the survey are to (1) characterize patches in terms of key biotic, physical, and chemical variables, and (2) examine relationships among land use, general plant diversity, native plant diversity, plant biovolume, soil nutrient status, and social-economic indices along an indirect urban gradient.

This data set focuses specifically on soil chemistry and soil properties assessed during the 2000 survey year. Investigators interested in soil data from more recent surveys or other measured variables should search the data catalog for 'ecological survey of central arizona' or 'survey 200' to locate those and other data related to the CAP LTER's ESCA.


soil, soil bulk density, soil moisture, soil nutrients, soil chemistry, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, soil organic matter, soil ph, soil phosphorus, soil properties, soil texture, soluble reactive phosphorus, agriculture, urban, carbon, ammonium, nitrate, nitrogen, nutrients, inorganic nitrogen, inorganic nutrients, phosphate, phosphorus, percent carbon, percent nitrogen, land use, long term monitoring, land cover movement of organic matter, movement of inorganic matter, disturbance patterns, land use and land cover change, water and fluxes survey200, survey 200, phoenix, maricopa county, ecological survey of central arizona, sonoran desert, desert, suburban, neighborhood, yard, mesic, xeric, city cap lter, cap, caplter, central arizona phoenix long term ecological research, arizona, az, arid land

Temporal Coverage:

2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-112.783 to -111.579
Latitude:33.8267 to 33.2186


Data Manager, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 
PO Box 875402,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (7) :

Tabular: 281_soil_3359105b85befdeb858f44078570ec51.csv

Description: survey year 2000 soil data
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_date survey date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
site_code location code
parallel replicates for 10 samples for quality control
  • a: first parallel
  • b: second parallel
Layer top or bottom 10 cm of the 1 inch soil core
  • BOT: bottom-layer of the sample core: 10-30 centimeters
  • E: metadata_not_provided
  • ETOP: metadata_not_provided
  • N: metadata_not_provided
  • NTOP: metadata_not_provided
  • S: metadata_not_provided
  • STOP: metadata_not_provided
  • TOP: top-layer of the sample core: 0-10 centimeters
  • W: metadata_not_provided
  • WTOP: metadata_not_provided
KCl_FW Fresh weight of the sample KCl extracted for chemical analysis
float gram
Pan weight of pan used to determine fresh / dry weight ratios
float gram
Pan_plus_FW weight of pan and fresh subsample
float gram
Pan_plus_DW weight of pan and dry soil subsample
float gram
Dry_div_Wet ratio of dry weight to wet weight of subsample
float dimensionless
percent_Mois percent moisture content of sample (g water per 100g dry soil)
float dimensionless
KCl_DW calculated dry of weight of sample KCl extracted for chemical analysis
float gram
NH4_N_mg_l raw NH4-N data from chromatograph
float milligramsPerLiter
NO3_N_mg_l raw NO3-N data from chromatograph
float milligramsPerLiter
H_BDC_cm height of 2 inch soil core
float centimeter
FW_BDC fresh weight of 2 inch soil core
float gram
FW_div_V_kg_L fresh weight per volume of 2 inch soil core
float kilogramPerLiter
Height_cm height of 1 inch soil core, combined for all 4 cores per site
float centimeter
FW_g fresh weight of 1 inch soil core, combined for all 4 cores per site
float gram
FW_div_V fresh weight per volume of 1 inch soil core, combined for all 4 cores per site
float kilogramPerLiter

Tabular: 281_soil_texture_0f510b7eed4175e12f5276b2ec9c3479.csv

Description: survey year 2000 soil texture data
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_date survey date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
site_code location code
analysis analysis date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
temperature initial temperature reading
float celsius
R05 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 30 seconds
float dimensionless
RL05 hydrometer reading of blank at 30 seconds
float dimensionless
R1 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 1 minute
float dimensionless
RL1 hydrometer reading of blank at 1 minute
float dimensionless
T1 temperature reading at 1 minute
float celsius
R90 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 90 minutes
float dimensionless
RL90 hydrometer reading of blank at 90 minutes
float dimensionless
T90 temperature reading at 90 minutes
float dimensionless
R1440 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 24 hours
float dimensionless
RL1440 hydrometer reading of blank at 24 hours
float dimensionless
T1440 temperature reading at 24 hours
float celsius
clay_percentOriginal Percent clay calculated according to the formula
float dimensionless
sand_percentOriginal Percent sand calculated according to the formula
float dimensionless
silt_percentOriginal Percent silt calculated according to the formula
float dimensionless
analystTech abbreviation for name of technician who did the the analysis
clayPercentCorrected Same as original, corrected when negative content was calculated in original
float dimensionless
sandPercentCorrected Same as original, corrected when negative content was calculated in original
float dimensionless
siltPercentCorrected Same as original, corrected when negative content was calculated in original
float dimensionless
notes additional notes

Tabular: 281_soil_bulk_density_4133e7e30420964dc3e514c0684fcf8d.csv

Description: survey year 2000 bulk density data
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_date survey date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
site_code location code
core_hight_cm Height of the core sample
float centimeter
fresh_weight Weight before processing
float gram
FWperVolume Fresh weight per volume in grams per cubic centimenter
float gramsPerCubicCentimeter
more_2_mm_g Weight of the particles larger than 2mm
float gram
less_2mm_air_dry Weight of the particles less than 2mm that fell from the sieve after they air dried
float gram
total_air_dry Total weight after air drying
float gram
total_less_2_mm Total weight of the particles smaller than 2 mm
float gram
large_stones Weight of the large stones removed from the sample
float gram
mixed_soil Weight of the soil before the large stones are removed and it is sieved
float gram
wet_sieve_sample Weight of samples prior to being processed through a wet sieve apparatus
float gram
wet_sieve_yield Weight of the sample after being sifted through the wet sieve
float gram
plant_matter Weight of any plant matter found within the sample
float gram
batch_date Date the sample was processed
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
pan_weight Weight of the pan used for drying the sample
float gram
pan_air_dry Weight of the pan and soil sample after the sample has air dried
float gram
pan_oven_60 Weight of the pan and soil sample after the sample has been in a 60 degree oven for 48 hours
float gram
pan_oven_105 Weight of the pan and soil sample after the sample has been in a 105 degree oven for 48 hours
float gram

Tabular: 281_soil_chemistry_concentration_c75070fdbb42c658a593783a935aaa9f.csv

Description: survey year 2000 soil chemistry data
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_date survey date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
site_code location code
BotPercTotalC bottom 20 cm of soil core percentage of total carbon
float dimensionless
BotPercInorgC bottom 20 cm of soil core percentage of inorganic carbon
float dimensionless
BotPercOrgC bottom 20 cm of soil core percentage of organic carbon
float dimensionless
BotPercTotalN bottom 20 cm of soil core percent of total nitrogen
float dimensionless
BotmgNH4kgsoil Ammonium concentration ( milligramsPerKilogram - mg/Kg ) in homogenized soil samples at 20-30 cm depth
float milligramsPerKilogram
BotmgNO3kgsoil Nitrate concentration ( milligramsPerKilogram - mg/Kg ) in homogenized soil samples at 20-30 cm depth
float milligramsPerKilogram
BotmgPperkgsoil bottom 20 cm of soil core milligram NaHCO3 extractable inorganic Phosporus per kilogram soil
float milligramsPerKilogram
BotPercSOM bottom 20 cm of soil core percentage of soil organic matter
float dimensionless
TopPercTotalC top 10 cm of soil core percentage of total carbon
float dimensionless
TopPercInorgC top 10 cm of soil core percentage of inorganic carbon
float dimensionless
TopPercOrgC top 10 cm of soil core percentage of organic carbon
float dimensionless
TopPercTotalN top 10 cm of soil core percentage of total nitrogen
float dimensionless
TopmgNH4kgsoil Ammonium concentration ( milligramsPerKilogram - mg/Kg ) in homogenized soil samples at 10-20 cm depth
float milligramsPerKilogram
TopmgNO3kgsoil Nitrate concentration ( milligramsPerKilogram - mg/Kg ) in homogenized soil samples at 10-20 cm depth
float milligramsPerKilogram
TopmgPperkgsoil top 10 cm of soil core milligram NaHCO3 extractable inorganic Phosphorus per kilogram soil
float milligramsPerKilogram
TopPercSOM top 10 cm of soil core percentage of soil organic matter
float dimensionless

Tabular: 281_soil_chemistry_mass_db0d8fd205cf20fe45adb646fb30171d.csv

Description: survey year 2000 soil chemistry data
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_date survey date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
site_code location code
BotTotalC bottom 20 cm of soil core total cabon per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
BotInorgC bottom 20 cm of soil core inorganic carbon per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
BotOrgCgm2 bottom 20 cm of soil core organic carbon per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
BotTotalNgm2 bottom 20 cm of soil core total nitrogen per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
BotExtractPgm2 bottom 20 cm of soil core NaHCO3 extractable inorganic Phosphorus per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
BotOMgm2 bottom 20 cm of soil core organic matter per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
BotorgCN bottom 20 cm of soil core organic carbon to nitrogen ratio
float dimensionless
TopTotalCgm2 top 10 cm of soil core total carbon per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
TopInorgCgm2 top 10 cm of soil core inorganic carbon per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
TopOrgCgm2 top 10 cm of soil core organic carbon per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
TopTotalNgm2 top 10 cm of soil core total nitrogen per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
TopPgm2 top 10 cm of soil core NaHCO3 extractable inorganic Phosphorus per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
TopOMgm2 top 10 cm of soil core organic matter per area soil surface
float gramsPerSquareMeter
ToporgCN top 10 cm of soil core organic carbon to nitrogen ratio
float dimensionless

Tabular: 281_soil_ncphconduct_c2af92aa4f81829b0356e93867e6e316.csv

Description: survey year 2000 soil chemistry data
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_date survey date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
site_code location code
topNH4_N top NH4_N in mg N per kg soil
float milligramsPerKilogram
topNO3_N top NO3_N in mg N per kg soil
float milligramsPerKilogram
toppH pH value at the top of the soil
float dimensionless
topconductivity Conductivity at top of soil
float siemen
notes additional notes
bottomNH4_N bottom NH4_N in mg N per kg soil
float milligramsPerKilogram
bottomNO3_N bottom NO3_N in mg N per kg soil
float milligramsPerKilogram
bottompH pH value at the bottom of the soil
float dimensionless
bottomconductivity Conductivity at bottom of soil
float siemen

Tabular: 281_soil_traacs_16ce6a36e36febb9deaca8e17f527ff4.csv

Description: Raw soil nutrient data as analyzed by Traacs for soil samples collected in 2000.
Temporal Coverage: 2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Column Description Type Units
sample_id sample identity or type analyzed
sample_set sample batch identity
conc_mg_l substance concentration
float milligramsPerLiter
survey_year survey year
date Format: YYYY
analyte substance quantified
  • ammonium: ammonium-nitrogen (mg N L-1)
  • nitrate: nitrate-nitrogen (mg N L-1)
  • phosphorus: phosphorus (mg P L-1)

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