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June 22-24: Reimagining leadership for just and regenerative global futures

June 22, 2021

The International Leadership Association, through this Sustainability and Beyond summit, is inviting change agents and leaders to mobilize, reimagine and collectively accelerate the positive changes needed to meet the daunting challenges facing planet and people.

ASU participants include Peter Schlosser, Amanda Ellis, Nikhil Dave, Melissa Nelson, Euan Murray and Alex Dehgan.

This summit is designed to create space for people of common purpose to gather, inspire and be inspired, connect with others, and learn what they can do to help create regenerative global futures.

Each day will have a different theme, including (1) Visionary Leadership for Systems Change, (2) Economic Imperatives of Sustainable and Regenerative Futures, and (3) Marginalized to Mainstream: Equity, Justice, and Regenerative Futures. Summit plenary and concurrent session speakers will specifically speak to all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More information and registration.

What climate science loses without enough black researchers

June 22, 2021

Sustainability scientist Vernon Morris, director and professor in ASU's School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, recently gave a video interview for Bloomberg, where he talked about inequitable representation in academia and STEM careers, and the impact of this on climate change policies.

Science usually guides a country's climate change policies, but there's a problem when the decisions are made by a homogenous group and the consequences could be dire for everyone. Bloomberg's Scarlet Fu sat down with Morris, who is also the founding director of the NOAA's Center for Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology.

Move-in day for burrowing owls at ASU Polytechnic campus

June 22, 2021

ASU Polytechnic campus has rolled out the welcome mat for several distinguished — and feathered — guests: four burrowing owls.

Their arrival in towel-covered cardboard pet-carriers mid-morning on May 22, 2021, was a year in the making and the finishing touches on their burrows — dug out with backhoes and constructed 24 hours before — had just been completed.

In a partnership with Wild at Heart raptor rescue, ASU College of Integrative Sciences and Arts faculty, students, alumni and staff, with the help of ASU Facilities Management staff, have built and will monitor habitats for burrowing owl pairs who need relocating.

“Burrowing owls are native to the Sonoran Desert and the only owls in the world that nest in the ground,” said wildlife ecologist Heather Bateman, associate professor in the college's Faculty of Science and Mathematics, who initiated the project proposal with faculty colleagues Adam Stein, Pedro Chavarria and Cynthia Sagers. “These owls rely on other species to do their excavating and will nest in burrows dug by prairie dogs, ground squirrels, desert tortoises and other animals.”

Read the full story in ASU News.

How will we protect American infrastructure from cyberattacks?

June 22, 2021

Infrastructure — it’s one of those words we think we understand, but it can be a hard concept to wrap our brains around. We may vaguely imagine electrical grids or railroads, but infrastructure also includes many other services that are essential for keeping our homes, schools and businesses thriving. It includes roads and transportation, telecommunications networks, water and sewage systems, and electricity. And today, much of it is connected to the internet.

As the Biden administration looks to implement the American Jobs Plan, which includes expanding U.S. infrastructure, cybersecurity needs to be a key consideration to prevent even more costly and dangerous attacks.

ASU is home to a bevy of experts on cybersecurity — in fields from computer science and law to business and humanities — who come together in order to understand and find solutions to this complex, far-reaching problem.

Read the story on ASU News to learn from sustainability scientist Diana Bowman, as well as colleagues Jamie Winterton, Tiffany Bao and Adam Doupé.

New Report: The Critical To-Do List for Organic Agriculture

June 16, 2021

Report cover

The Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems is pleased to announce the release of our report: The Critical To-Do List of Organic Agriculture: 46 Recommendations for the President.  

Thirty years ago, Congress passed the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) as part of the 1990 Farm Bill. The law established strict national standards for organic food and a public-private enforcement program to ensure compliance with the law. Today, the organic industry still faces a number of challenges. This report seeks to address some of these and to provide policy recommendations to better support the growing organic industry and its positive impacts on human health, on the economy, and on climate. Organic agriculture protects consumers and farmworkers from dangerous pesticides. It also provides opportunities for young farmers and for a vibrant local economy. Lastly, organic agriculture is a critical component of a successful climate strategy, as it promotes healthy soil, protects biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gases emissions.

For printed copies, please send and email with your name, mailing address, and number of copies requested to 

Calling ASU faculty: Project development workshop with Peoria

June 15, 2021

On June 24, 2021, Project Cities hosts its Faculty Round Tables event, to network with Peoria leaders and discuss class projects for the 2021-2022 academic year.


RSVP here!


ASU faculty are invited to join staff from 9 City of Peoria departments to co-develop class projects. At this event, we will host a session of virtual breakouts for faculty members to discuss and workshop proposed projects, and to brainstorm new ideas. The goal is to match faculty and students to meaningful, hands-on community projects with real impacts in the upcoming academic year.

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Student spotlight: Lenessa Nelson

June 12, 2021

To highlight some of Project Cities star students and faculty, PC staff sat down to interview Lenessa Nelson, an ASU graduate with a Master in Sustainability Leadership. With Project Cities, she worked on the Sustainability Action Plan 3.0 for the City of Peoria. As part of this project, Lenessa focused on community engagement and worked on revisions of the plan. Lenessa switched focus for her graduate capstone project to working with the City of Peoria on collecting resident feedback and increasing resident awareness of the Sustainability Action Plan 3.0. Lenessa’s primary role was to distribute a survey to residents. With an initial goal of 300 responses, Peoria residents surpassed that with 780 responses! The following dialogue and summary come from an interview with Lenessa about her experience in the Project Cities program.

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Do trees provide the best shade for urban environments?

June 9, 2021

Shade monitoring at ASU ariane middelShade is a term that residents of arid, hot environments learn to appreciate, especially during scalding summer months. But what makes for the best shade?

“Cities have started to plant trees as a means to shade the environment. But oftentimes you can’t really plant trees because of infrastructure challenges. There may be sewer lines underground, internet cables, or business signs that will be blocked,” said sustainability scientist Ariane Middel, assistant professor in ASU’s School of Arts, Media and Engineering and a HUE grantee. New research explores viable alternatives to trees for providing shade to keep people comfortable outdoors.

Using a special mobile lab named MaRTy, Middel and her team are assessing what makes for the best provider of shade. The findings may surprise you.

Learn more at ASU News.

Clarkdale and Project Cities recognized with ASU EPICS Community Catalyst Award

June 9, 2021

In other news, it was our pleasure to share this year's ASU EPICS Community Catalyst Award with our friends at the Town of Clarkdale. Over the years, the Project Cities team has arranged several projects with the innovative students in ASU EPICS, a program, of the Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering. This particular project was a multi-team, multi-semester project assessing needs and strategies to help the Town of Clarkdale upgrade their digital infrastructure. The teams addressed some acute needs for better internet service for the community's students, as well as planning for longer-term needs, developing plans to incorporate strong public wifi and smart PA systems into planned park upgrades.

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ASU engineering experts reframe infrastructure security

June 8, 2021

Sustainability scientists Mikhail Chester and Brad Allenby and their faculty peers in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering believe broader perspectives need to be part of the current debate about improving America’s infrastructure systems.

Infrastructure has always been a target in warfare, according to Chester, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.

"Think about military aircraft dropping bombs on bridges or railroad lines. But battles today are not just army versus army. They are society versus society, and this change means we need to change how we think about infrastructure.”

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Ariaratnam receives Stephen D. Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award

June 8, 2021

Sustainability scientist Samuel Ariaratnam was recently named this year’s winner of the American Society of Civil Engineers, or ASCE, Stephen D. Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award.

Ariaratnam will deliver the Bechtel Lecture at the 2021 ASCE Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute Pipelines Conference on Aug. 5, to be held virtually.

Ariaratnam is among the leading experts in the development of trenchless construction methods and technologies used in underground construction. He is particularly prominent in the area of horizontal directional drilling, which enables subterranean building and installation to be done with minimal disturbance to the surface.

Read more in ASU News.

June 15-16: Earth Archive LiDAR conference

June 8, 2021

The Earth Archive is an international, interdisciplinary initiative to create an open-access, high-resolution, digital archive of the earth's surface compiled from LiDAR scans. This can be used for a wide range of social and natural science, as well as environmental policy work.

Earth Archive is holding an international conference online 15-16 June. Sustainability scientist Michael Barton is among the presenters. The event will be held online. See the agenda and register.

Donkeys dig deep in the desert, benefiting overall ecosystem

June 8, 2021

An Arizona State University doctoral candidate has discovered that horses, donkeys and other equine species, which are seen as "invasive," actually help shape desert ecosystems, fulfilling the same function long-extinct species once did. The feral equines sniff out water and dig wells that are used by other wildlife.

Erick Lundgren, a doctoral candidate in the School of Life Sciences, led the study, Equids engineer desert water availability, recently published in the journal Science. Sustainability scientists Julie Stromberg, Jianguo Wu, as well as Karla Moeller of the Provost's office are the other authors from ASU.

Read the full story in ASU News.

ASU project receives first place in 2021 Microgrid Greater Good Awards

Microgrid Knowledge | June 8, 2021

Led by sustainability scientist Nathan Johnson and the Laboratory for Energy and Power Solutions, ASU's ATLAS Containerized Microgrid has won first place in the 2021 Microgrid Greater Good Awards. The system powers a 40-foot container that was converted by an ASU team into a medical clinic in Northern Uganda that provides primary care to over 200 Sudanese refugees per day. Before the microgrid was installed, medical practitioners struggled with unreliable power and difficult access to clean water.

The clinic uses 22 linear feet of the 40-foot container, with the remaining 18 feet used for the microgrid and water purification systems. The 10-kW solar microgrid also provides power for medical staff housing and is capable of offering additional power for expanded water supply and area lighting.

The containerized microgrid is replicable and can be used for other areas that require "last mile" distribution to remote off-grid locations, according to Johnson, who led development of the system as part of a $2 million, four-part research project funded by the US Office of Naval Research’s Defense University Research-to-Adoption Program.

Microgrid Knowledge launched the award program three years ago as a way to highlight the humanitarian and societal benefits of microgrids. The winners are chosen by a panel of independent judges.

June 12-15: Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2021

June 8, 2021

Sustainability scientist Julianna Gwiszcz is co-facilitating two sessions at this year's SRI Congress, hosted June 12-15, 2021, online and in Brisbane, Australia. The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action.

This annual event unites global sustainability leaders, experts, industry and innovators to inspire action and promote a sustainability transformation. For the first time, the Congress will launch as a live virtual event with a diverse and innovative online program. In addition to the 100+ sessions available throughout the day and night, thanks to the global reach of SRI and partners, the SRI2021 Online Package includes workshops, training and more.

Julianna Gwiszcz, will be co-facilitating two sessions on transforming narratives at this inaugural SRI Congress. Working with Narratives for Transformation is scheduled for Sunday, June 13, at 3:00 p.m. Arizona time. Exploring Dominant and Regenerative Narratives and the Worldviews they Reflect is set for Tuesday, June 15, 12:00 a.m. Arizona time.

Visit the congress website for more details and full agenda, and to register to participate.

New paper: Collaborative governance for the food-energy-water nexus

June 8, 2021

Sustainability scientist and GIOSI deputy director Dave White and recent School of Sustainability PhD graduate J. Leah Jones published a paper, A social network analysis of collaborative governance for the food-energy-water nexus in Phoenix, AZ, USA, in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.

The authors conducted a social network analysis of food-energy-water nexus governance in the Phoenix metropolitan area, as part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation and led by Professor Ross Maciejewski from the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering. The social network analysis revealed challenges to collaborative governance of FEW nexus stakeholders, such as limited trust between actors. However, the research found that by leveraging bridging there are opportunities to increase collaborative governance between sectors. This study was a component of Jones’ dissertation.

The abstract follows.

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Registration now open: Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Ed 2021

June 8, 2021

Registration for this year's virtual Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE) has officially opened.

Attendees can register today to reserve their spot for a virtual event that saw over 6,800 registrants last year bringing together more than 400 institutions from 36 countries.

Register today to explore this year's theme, "The Future Is...", and reflect with everyone on the uncertainty about the future that many feel while recommitting yourself to the urgent work of building a future that is sustainable, equitable and resilient. Ultimately, the future is ours to make.

June 24: Match yourself and your students to real projects in Peoria

June 8, 2021

Scientists and scholars are invited to join Project Cities and the City of Peoria to co-develop class projects for the 2021-2022 academic year. Peoria staff from 9 departments will join for a virtual workshop to develop proposed project scopes and discuss new ideas, with the aim of matching you and your students to a real project with real impacts. The program is designed to support most class formats and work across disciplines.

Project Cities is currently recruiting faculty to support the upcoming program cycle. Get in on the opportunity to meet our community partners early and secure an applied project for your students. This will be a virtual event with the freedom to move between round-table breakouts with city department staff, to discuss collaboration opportunities and learn more about their proposed projects.

Register for the virtual event, scheduled for June 24, 2021, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

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