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December 8, 2008

By Jessica Lagreid

Undergraduate, W.P. Carey School of Business

Student Worker, Global Institute Of Sustainability

Ever feel like you are competing in the Tour de France as you just try to make your way to class? That's because more than 15,000 ASU students pedal their bikes to campus every day. These greenies save commuting time, gas money, and tons of dirty carbon emissions. But bicycles cost money and they occasionally need repairs that can flummox cash-strapped commuters. That's why the student-run ASU Bike Co-Op was founded. Located in the back of the Student Recreation Complex, the Bike Co-Op offers ASU students low- or no-cost bike repairs and free bike rentals. And now, with new funding from USG, it's ready to expand. Hear more about what the Bike Co-Op can do for you by clicking on the audio file below, and then find the BikeCo-Op on Facebook.
