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October 24, 2020

Fish swimming and palm trees against sunsetASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Founding Director Leah Gerber recently published an academic article titled “Producing actionable science in conservation: Best practices for organizations and individuals.”

The publication was co-authored by ASU School for the Future of Innovation in Society Graduate Research Associate Chris J. Barton, American Museum of Natural History Biodiversity Scientist Samantha H. Cheng and ASU School of Public Affairs Associate Professor Derrick Anderson.

The team interviewed 71 biodiversity researchers to identify and analyze these specific trends and came up with six best practices associated with actionable science or scientific data and models supported by conservation science.

These six best practices are listed as (1) engaging in collaboration, (2) practicing empathy, (3) building trusting relationships, (4) employing diverse communication methods, (5) incentivizing actionable science and (6) providing resources for actionable science to early‐career researchers.

True to our center’s mission, the authors hope to push for a greater emphasis on translating scientific research into action. Their framework will help researchers better understand how to adapt their work to advocacy.