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May 6, 2020

two locusts in treeSubmissions are now being accepted for a special issue of the journal Agronomy, guest edited by Drs. Michel Lecoq and Arianne Cease, focused on any of these broad themes surrounding modern locust management:

    —the biotic and abiotic factors that affect population and behavioral dynamics (including the potential role of climate change),
    —surveys and monitoring,
    —management technologies,
    —the impact of outbreaks (economic, social, and/or environmental),
    —or related research.

The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2021. The goal of this Agronomy-MDPI Special Issue is to shed light on some overarching questions: What have we learned from historical locust outbreaks, what research is ongoing and what is needed, how serious is the threat, and how should the world respond to plagues today? Contributions can be evidence-based original research, a review of the scientific literature or any other contribution that you may consider relevant.

For further reading, please visit the special issue website.