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October 30, 2018

Arizona State University’s fall 2018 Project Cities program social media plan presentationDo you think you're social media-savvy? In this digital age, it seems you must be in order to stay on top of the latest trends. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn — these are classics that any seasoned veteran would know at this point. TikTok, Periscope, Marco Polo, Voxer… maybe not so much. In order to navigate this web of social media platforms and procedures, the City of Glendale worked with students from Arizona State University’s fall 2018 Project Cities program on a social media plan.

Stephen Carradini, an assistant professor of interdisciplinary humanities and communication in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, taught undergraduate TWC 422 and graduate TWC 522: Social Media in the Workplace to 15 and 12 students, respectively. These students learned about the nuances between various social media platforms, how to use them professionally and in a business environment, and how to create social media plans and policies, for which they collaborated with the City of Glendale. Each class served a unique purpose in this project.

The 15 students from TWC 422 developed a holistic social media plan for the city that explained how it could use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms in its favor. The students received feedback from Brent Stoddard, director of public affairs for the City of Glendale, during his two class visits. The groups devised a strategy called “Engage, Display, Attract” that worked well on the different social media platforms to have maximum impact through content and planning.

The 12 students in the graduate-level TWC 522 worked on developing a comprehensive social media policy document. They were divided into smaller subgroups within the class and assigned the tasks of carrying out extensive research for what should and should not be on the social platforms for the city. The students gathered material from referencing other cities’ media pages and academic sources. Collectively, the class addressed a variety of topics dealing with legal issues, potential rules, and the best practices regarding social media. The students submitted a 20-page document to the city that included all of the necessary information for setting up and managing effective social media accounts for a government organization.

Together, these two classes instructed by Carradini helped the City of Glendale implement effective, legal social media planning to better convey their community in the digital age. The students will present their findings at the Project Cities End of Semester Fall Showcase on November 28, 2018, at Wrigley Hall on the ASU Tempe campus. Project Cities is a program of the ASU Sustainable Cities Network. Project Cities is also member of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network, and is administered by ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability.