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May 20, 2013

"I am riding the crest of a great wave of inspiration — so much so that I’ve thrown myself into research for my chapter contribution. It truly was a rare group of intelligent and passionate people whose participation made this seminar SHINE. Having been to many workshops and seminars, I can’t honestly think of any comparable to this one. The place, the land, the people, the food — all blend together in my mind to make this a time I will always remember and will continue to be inspired by."

— Dennis Martinez

Chair Indigenous Peoples' Restoration Network (IPRN)

Member Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative (IPCCA) Steering Committee Co-Director Takelma Intertribal Project (TIP)

Douglas City, CA


"I hope everyone had smooth travels back to home and family and an unfolding Spring. Thanks to each of  you for such a creative and productive gathering — my head and heart are full of your words. Special thanks to our wonderful conveners, our generous host and to the rocks who watched over us and listened in. I’m looking forward to the next steps!"

— Robin Wall Kimmerer

Professor of Environmental and Forest Biology

State University of New York College


"Thanks to [all of you] for this incredible gathering of people and the following book project. I was inspired and moved by what was said. This was such an intelligent group and the possibilities for the book are exciting. I am grateful to be a part of it. The hospitality was also incredible and thoughtful in such a beautiful, bountiful land. Here is hope that our book will offer something of great difference and meaningful words to a large readership. It is a book with a heart and spirit that seems like no other. The outcome is going to be a work of great beauty, intelligence, and a place where light comes through the words. It is already a felt presence."

— Linda Hogan

Chickasaw Nation Writer in Residence


"Thank you so much for creating this wonderful seminar on Traditional Knowledge! I came back absolutely inspired and amazed by this group of dedicated, eloquent, and inspirational colleagues! I am incredibly honored to have heard the words and thoughts of this distinguished group, and I look forward to participating in the next steps of this project. I thank each of you and our colleagues for the amazing contributions and for being so kind and welcoming. I also thank John Ware for his intellectual engagement in the meeting, and for hosting us in such a gracious manner at the beautiful Amerind campus. This workshop has been a highlight of my year, and I wish each of you a happy and peaceful summer and hope to see everyone again sometime soon!"

— Rebecca Tsosie

Arizona State University Professor of Law

Willard H. Pedrick Distinguished Research Scholar

Executive Director Indian Legal Program

Affiliate Professor, American Indian Studies Program

Tempe, AZ


"Thank you for putting together such a wonderful event — it was an amazing experience. I think we did some "collective imagining" that Robin discussed."

— Joan McGregor

Arizona State University Professor of Philosophy

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Philosophy

Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, SHPRS

Tempe, Arizona


"I will add my voice to all your lovely words of gratitude. It was an profound honor to be included in such a group – such grace, such collegiality, such joy, such important work. After our meeting I went to Annapolis and was part of a site review team for a large NSF sponsored synthesis center, bringing ecological and social science together. I was able to speak about our event to a number of people who were all very interested – including an extremely gracious and eager NSF officer. At the same time it remains clear to me that the Western scientific ship need the moral rudder of TEK scholars more than ever – our work is important!"

— Michael P. Nelson

Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources and Professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics

Oregon State University