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Deep Energy Retrofits:
A Southwestern Case Study
Heading Toward Net Zero

Mick Dalrymple

  • ASU Project Manager, Energize Phoenix

Greg L. Brown

  • Principal, Ecosense, LLC

We cannot build our way to a carbon-neutral environment, but we can remodel our way there. Over the course of seven years, green-building expert Dalrymple has achieved a 75% reduction in annual energy use at his circa-1975 Phoenix home through efficiency improvements and renewable applications. Dalrymple presents the applied building-systems principles, lessons learned, successes, and unintended consequences of his endeavor. Brown considers the current state of Dalrymple’s home and, through a combination of energy modeling and field analysis, defines options and required steps toward net-zero site energy.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.