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History and Sustainability: Stories of Progress, Hubris, Decline, and Resilience

The American Society for Environmental History's next annual conference will take place in Phoenix, Arizona. Hosted by Arizona State University, one of the country's outstanding innovators in sustainability studies, the conference will include an opening presentation by ASU president Michael Crow, a plenary talk by William Cronon, and a sustainability workshop co-sponsored by ASU's School of Sustainability and the Decision Center for a Desert City. Additional events will include a plenary discussion on immigration, borderlands, and social justice, as well as panels, film screenings, and exhibits examining the border fence's impact on people and ecological communities. At the height of springtime, we will offer an outstanding set of field trips, including a pre-conference birding trip to the Pinal Mountains, a post-conference overnight trip to Grand Canyon National Park, and half-day site visits on Friday afternoon to explore water development, urban planning, local archaeological projects, and other topics. The conference will include ten sessions of concurrent panels for scholars to present their research. For more information: For more information, contact: Richard Tucker, program committee chair,; Paul Hirt, local arrangements committee chair,; Lisa Mighetto, executive director,