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Climate and Global Change

Wallace Broecker

Geochemist Wallace S. Broecker, arguably one of the world's greatest geoscientists, has spent his entire career at Lamont-Doherty, where he worked one summer in college and earned his PhD. He has studied the ocean's role in climate change for over 50 years, advocating for drastic changes in people's carbon emissions and the dire need for large-scale carbon sequestration. Broecker received the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change Research, one of the world's largest science prizes, for sounding these early alarms and for his pioneering work on oceanic-atmospheric interactions. At 78, he has claimed most of the top honors in his field, including the 1996 National Medal of Science and, most recently, the $885,000 Balzan Prize, for science in the service of humanity. He continues to teach, write, research and push for ways to address human-caused global climate change.

Thursday, October 14, 2010