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International Conference on Waste Management Policies and Practices

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Policy Hub

  • Rabat, Morocco

Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes

  • Arizona State University

The MENA Policy Hub (MPH) is made up of young professionals from many fields in the Middle East interested in public policy and national/regional social and economic issues, and the role of civil society. In MPH’s own words it is a "platform of opportunities and new perspectives for individuals and communities, giving them access to understand and analyze the policies for better management of public affairs."

Two sites will connect via Skype in this mini conference affording a small group of researchers and experts the opportunity to present and discuss issues and practices in waste management, public policy, and different national contexts. From ASU brief presentations will be provided by Kiril Hristovski, Assistant Professor; and (TBC) Ben Wender, Graduate Student in Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering and Troy Hottle, Graduate Student in Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering, Fulton Schools of Engineering.

Due to limited seating RSVP is requested to: by Friday, January 23, 2015.

Saturday, January 24, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.