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June 20, 2012

Check out these links to recent video about our favorite subjects: water, climate change, and other interesting things.

Research Universities and the Future of America. The National Research Council presents critically important strategies for ensuring that our nation's research universities contribute strongly to America's prosperity, security, and national goals. In this video, members of the study committee that authored this report discuss the importance of our research universities and their contributions to our economy and society. They conclude by discussing the challenges and opportunities they face at a time of fiscal stress and international competition.

Monsoon Season Set To Start In Arizona. ASU climatologist Randall Cerveny says that although monsoon season begins June 15, after the National Weather Service recently defined this date as the monsoon's new seasonal start, forecasting the actual start of the Arizona monsoon remains cloudy.

The First 70: A journey through California to document the closure of 70 state parks.

All The Water It Takes To Produce A Burger. The water footprint of an object can be hard to wrap your head around. This video gives you a good sense of exactly how much water--everything from growing the cow’s food to making the bun--goes into your last burger.

How Road Maps Were Made in the 1940s. Over at The Atlantic's video channel, Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg shows us (courtesy of the Prelinger Archive) Caught Mapping, a 1940 educational film from Chevrolet. The show demonstrates how road maps were made at the time. It captures the entire process, from field surveillance for route updates to photographing a fresh map using the largest camera you've ever seen to create a negative for press production. Of course, Chevrolets are strategically scattered throughout.

Dust Storm Swallows City. Pretty much self-explanatory when you live in the Phoenix metro area.

Sustainable Development and the Tragedy of Commons. Stockholm whiteboard seminars: Elinor Ostrom explains how people can use natural resources in a sustainable way based on the diversity that exists in the world.