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Hong Kong: The journey begins

Taylor Reimann

Hong Kong: The journey begins

By Taylor Reimann

Going to Hong Kong as my first abroad destination has been one of the most intense experiences of my life. I knew this course would be difficult, but I did not anticipate how the new climate, food, people, and density would induce culture shock.

Everything about this city has been new to me. The transit system is very convenient and fast, the buildings tower high above the ground, they drive on the opposite side of the road, and it is SO GREEN. I was told about all of these things before I came here, but nothing could have prepared me for all of this.

At the beginning of the trip we traveled to Lamma Island and hiked to an old fishing village- it was so beautiful! There were bananas growing right off the side of the trail, I saw many new colorful plants, and I got a delicious coconut drink from a small vendor off the trail. The trek was grueling, but the views were worth it.

In terms of the course, it has been delightfully stimulating. All of our guest lecturers have impressive backgrounds and remarkable expertise, and the field trips have been amazing! I have been particularly interested in learning about how their government and policy processes are managed. The Hong Kong government is unique in that it operates with a higher degree of autonomy than the rest of China, but it is still technically part of China and the complex relationship between the two creates a lot of dispute. Hong Kong has been trying to become more independent of China, and the residents are pushing for universal suffrage. We are so lucky to be here during a time when their political climate is possibly on the verge of a large shift.

Being homesick has been my largest struggle, but I am keeping my spirits high and trying to soak in this trip as much as I can!