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February 14, 2011

Former co-directors Nancy Grimm and Charles Redman cut a cake celebrating a new grant from NSF.

Former co-directors Nancy Grimm and Charles Redman cut a cake celebrating a new grant from NSF.

Charles Redman, Nancy Grimm, and Linda Williams were honored for their contributions to CAP LTER at the 13th Annual CAP LTER All Scientists Meeting and Poster Symposium on January 12, 2011.

Redman and Grimm served as CAP LTER co-directors from 1997-2010. Current CAP Director Dan Childers presented them with plaques honoring their years of leadership and scholarly contributions to urban socioecological research. Williams was the grant manager for CAP LTER from 1997-2010. Former co-directors Redman and Grimm saluted her contributions to CAP and presented her with a gift reflecting gratitude for her steady management of the research program’s finances.