April 16-20: Earth Week at Tempe High

Since Earth Day falls on a Sunday this year Tempe High is celebrating their Earth Week this week. A big event is planned and our videography team will be there documenting. We will be sure to share the video and the happenings of the day with you, but in the meantime you may want to take a look at our Earth Day guide under the toolkit tab.

March 16-18: GK-12 Annual Conference

This past March, a team of 8 Sustainable Schools affiliates descended upon the last GK-12 Annual Meeting. The group consisted of 6 Fellows, our Coordinator, and a Tempe High teacher (Jessica Hauer). Our team made several appearances.

Auriane Koster, Brendan Denker and Jessica Hauer presented a workshop presentation titled: “Sustainable Schools Program and Practice: Partnership Building with the Tempe Union High School District”

Auriane Koster shared her energy lesson during the lesson sharathon titled: “Sustainable Energy Basics: Camp Colley”

Omaya, Katie, Ann Marie and Jen presented their poster during the poster session titled: “Sustainability Science for Sustainable Schools: Sustainability Projects as a Method for Student Engagement”

February 27-29: Green Schools National Conference

Auriane and Sandra headed to beautiful Denver, Colorado, at the end of February to the Green Schools National Conference. In addition to attending many informative sessions, they also co-presented on using conceptual modeling to implement sustainability initiatives. Also presenting at the event was past gk-12 Fellow, Erin Frisk!

To learn more about the conference: http://www.greenschoolsnationalconference.org