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Vivek Shandas

Vivek Shandas

Journal Articles


Fahy, B., E. Brenneman, H. Chang and V. Shandas. 2019. Spatial analysis of urban flooding and extreme heat hazard potential in Portland, OR. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 39(Oct):101117. DOI: 10.1016/J.IJDRR.2019.101117. (link )

Makido, Y., D. Hellman and V. Shandas. 2019. Nature Based Designs to Mitigate Urban Heat: Efficacy of Green Infrastructure Treatments in Portland, Oregon. Atmosphere 10(5):282. DOI: 10.3390/atmos10050282. (link )

Shandas, V., M. Matsler, L. Caughman and A. Harris. 2019. Towards the implementation of green stormwater infrastructure: perspectives from municipal managers in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63(6):959-980. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2019.1620708. (link )

Shandas, V., J. Voelkel, J. Williams and J. Hoffman. 2019. Integrating Satellite and Ground Measurements for Predicting Locations of Extreme Urban Heat. Climate 7(1):5. DOI: 10.3390/CLI7010005. (link )


Voelkel, J., D. Hellman, R. Sakuma and V. Shandas. 2018. Assessing Vulnerability to Urban Heat: A Study of Disproportionate Heat Exposure and Access to Refuge by Socio-Demographic Status in Portland, Oregon. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(4):. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15040640. (link )


Mikado, Y., V. Shandas, S. Ferwati and D. Sailor. 2016. Daytime variation of urban heat islands: The case study of Doha, Qatar. Climate 4(2):32. DOI: 10.3390/cli4020032. (link )

Voelkel, J., V. Shandas and B. Haggerty. 2016. Developing high-resolution descriptions of urban heat islands: A public health imperative. Preventing Chronic Disease 13:160099. DOI: 10.5888/pcd13.160099. (link )


Shandas, V., R. Lehman, K. L. Larson, J. Bunn and H. Chang. 2015. Stressors and strategies for managing urban water security: Perspectives from the field. Water 7(12):6775-6787. (link )


Gober, P., K. L. Larson, R. Quay, C. Polsky, H. Chang and V. Shandas. 2013. Why land planners and water managers don't talk to one another and why they should!. Society and Natural Resources 26(3):356-364. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2012.713448. (link )

Larson, K. L., C. Polsky, P. Gober, H. Chang and V. Shandas. 2013. Vulnerability of water systems to the effects of climate change and urbanization: A comparison of Phoenix, Arizona and Portland, Oregon (USA). Environmental Management 52(1):179-195. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-013-0072-2. (link )



Shandas, V. and D. Hellman. 2022. Collaborating for Climate Equity: Researcher–Practitioner Partnerships in the Americas. Routledge. ISBN: 9781032077741. (link )

Book Chapters


Shandas, V., A. van Diepen Haydat, J. Voelkel and M. Rao. 2017. Coproduction of resilience. In: Ninan, K. ed., Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society: Challenges and Opportunities. Edward Elgar.



Wahl, D. and V. Shandas. 2017. Historical narratives of extreme events. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual UREx SRN All Hands Meeting, New York, NY.



Roy Chowdhury, R., G. Hydrick, C. Cheng, A. Barnett, D. P. Eisenman, J. Santos-Hernández and V. Shandas. 2018. A conceptual framework for urban vulnerability analysis in sustainability science: Integrating socio-ecological-technological systems. Presentation at the Annual , April 10-14, 2018, New Orleans, LA. (link )

Verduzco, V. S., A. Robles-Morua, J. Sauer, Z. Hamstead, D. Bharatkumar, D. Wahl and V. Shandas. 2018. Spatial multi-criteria analysis of heat waves and flood risk using a SETS approach in Hermosillo, Sonora. Presentation at the 3rd Annual UREx All Hands Meeting, March 19-21, 2018, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ.


Stone, T., M. Gray, C. Tucker and V. Shandas. 2017. Impact of extreme heat on transit riders: Vulnerability assessment in Portland, Oregon. Presentation at the Action Conference, Portland, OR.


Shandas, V. 2016. Urban heat vulnerability analysis for Portland. Presentation at the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, Portland, Oregon.

Blog Posts


Wahl, D. and V. Shandas. 2017. Rethinking Cities as Vulnerable Ecosystems [Blog Post]. Retrieved from link