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Creating Climate Wealth:
The Largest Wealth-Creation Opportunity on the Planet

Jigar Shah

  • CEO, Jigar Shah Consulting

In this talk, author Jigar Shah will describe an opportunity in front of all of us: how to turn the biggest challenge of our lifetime — climate change — into a $10 trillion dollar new economy. In this talk, Shah presents “The100/100 New Economy Plan” that identifies 100,000 businesses selling $100 million in climate change solutions by 2020.

Jigar Shah is the author of Creating Climate Wealth. Unlocking the Impact Economy. He founded SunEdison, the world’s largest solar-services company and was the founding CEO of the Carbon War Room — a global nonprofit started by Richard Branson to promote entrepreneurial solutions to climate change.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.