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USEA Press Release | May 12, 2021

Nathan JohsnonDuring the Spring board of directors meeting, the United States Energy Association confirmed Nathan Johnson to its board of directors. Johnson is a senior sustianability scientist and associate professor in The Polytechnic School at ASU. Johnson and Babcock Power president Michael LeClair were appointed by USEA executive chairman Vicky Bailey.

According to Johnson, USEA's mission is to enhance energy access and energy security for developing countries, and the relationship with ASU will allow both organizations to provide greater innovation to the energy sector and increase solutions research delivered globally.

USEA Acting Executive Director Sheila Hollis said: "Given the global pandemic, changing international energy patterns, and accelerating technological innovation, USEA continues its important mission to inform and promote a nonpolitical dialogue on energy policy and technical developments. The arrival of these two new members diversifies and strengthens the already outstanding experience we are fortunate to have on USEA’s Board.”