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Journal Articles


Chandrakanthan, K., M. P. Fraser and P. Herckes. 2024. Microplastics are ubiquitous and increasing in soil of a sprawling urban area, Phoenix (Arizona). Science of the Total Environment 906:167617. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167617. (link )

Salamanca Palou, F., B. M. Svoma, J. Walter, D. Insua-Costa, G. Miguez-Macho, J. Karanja and M. Georgescu. 2024. Modeling Salt-Verde Watershed winter precipitation using convection-permitting WRF-simulations with water vapor tracers. JGR Atmospheres 129(12):e2024JD041029. DOI: 10.1029/2024JD041029. (link )


Aggarwal, R. M. and J. M. Anderies. 2023. Understanding how governance emerges in social-ecological systems: Insights from archetype analysis. Ecology and Society 28(2):Art. 2. DOI: 10.5751/ES-14061-280202. (link )

Albers, H. J., K. Kroetz, C. Sims, A. W. Ando, D. Finnoff, R. D. Horan, R. Liu, E. Nelson and J. Merkle. 2023. Where, when, what, and which? Using characteristics of migratory species to inform conservation policy questions. Rovew pf Emvironmental Economics and Policy 17(1):. DOI: 10.1086/724179. (link )

Allen, D. C., B. A. Gill, A. Metcalfe, S. Bonjour, S. Starr, J. Wang, D. Valentin and N. B. Grimm. 2023. Taxonomic identity, biodiversity, and antecedent disturbances shape the dimensional stability of stream invertebrates. Limnology and Oceanography Letters DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10303. (link )

Arnold, D., S. Saha, S. Ngo, C. Roberts, A. Scaglione, N. G. Johnson, S. Peisert and D. Pinney. 2023. Adaptive control of distributed energy resources for distribution grid voltage stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38(1):129-141. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3157558. (link )

Baldwin, J. W., T. Benmarhnia, K. L. Ebi, O. Jay, N. J. Lutsko and J. K. Vanos. 2023. Humdity's role in heat-related health outcomes: A heated debae. Environmental Health Perspectives 131(5):. DOI: 10.1289/EHP11807. (link )

Ball, B. A., K. L. Bergin and A. Morrison. 2023. Vegetation influences desert soil arthropods and their response to altered precipitation. Journal of Arid Environments 208(Jan):104873. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2022.104873. (link )

Bateman, H. L., B. D. Allen, M. S. Moore and D. M. Hondula. 2023. Urban heat and desert wildlife: rodent body condition across a gradient of surface temperatures. Urban Ecosystems 26:917-928. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-023-01358-4. (link )

Bunn, D., B. Buscher, M. R. McHale, M. L. Cadenasso, D. L. Childers, S. T. Pickett, L. Rivers III and L. Swemmer. 2023. Golden wildebeest days: Fragmentation and value in South Africa’s wildlife economy after Apartheid. Journal of Southern African Studies 48(6):1013-1035. DOI: 10.1080/03057070.2022.2145776. (link )

Downs, N. J., N. Raj, J. K. Vanos, A. V. Parisi, H. J. Butler, R. Deo, D. P. Igoe, B. Dexter, M. Beckman-Downs, J. Turner and S. Dekeyser. 2023. The Playground Shade Index: A new design metric for measuring shade and seasonal ultraviolet protection characteristics of parks and playgrounds. Photochemistry and Photobiology 99(4):1193-1207. DOI: 10.1111/php.13745. (link )

Forrest, N., A. Wiek and L. Withycombe Keeler. 2023. Accelerating the transformation to a sustainable food economy by strengthening the sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. Frontiersin Sustainable Food Systems 6. DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.970265. (link )

Haight, J., S. J. Hall, M. Fidino, S. A. Adalsteinsson, A. A. Ahlers, J. Angstmann, W. J. Anthonysamy, E. Biro, M. K. Collins, B. Dugelby, T. Gallo, A. M. Green, L. Hartley, M. J. Jordan, C. A. Kay, E. W. Lehrer, R. A. Long, B. MacDougall, S. B. Magle, D. E. Minier, C. Mowry, M. H. Murray, K. Nininger, M. E. Pendergast, K. Remine, T. Ryan, C. Salsbury, C. Schell, C. H. Sekercioglu, L. Wayne, D. Will, J. Williamson, L. Wilson, A. J. Zellmer and J. S. Lewis. 2023. Urbanization, climate and species traits shape mammal communities from local to continental scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7:1654-1666. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02166-x. (link )

Haight, J. D., K. L. Larson, J. A. Clark, J. S. Lewis and S. J. Hall. 2023. Social-ecological drivers of metropolitan residents’ comfort living with wildlife. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4. DOI: 10.3389/fcosc.2023.1248238. (link )

Hoover, F., S. A. Meerow, E. Coleman, Z. J. Grabowski and P. T. McPhearson. 2023. Why go green? Comparing rationales and planning criteria for green infrastructure in U.S. city plans. Landscape and Urban Planning 237(Sep):104781. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104781. (link )

Larson, K. L., J. Rosales Chavez, J. A. Brown, J. Morales Guerrero and D. Avilez. 2023. Human-wildlife interactions and coexistence in an urban desert environment. Sustainability 15(4):3307. DOI: 10.3390/su15043307. (link )

Li, R., M. V. Chester, D. M. Hondula, A. Middel, J. K. Vanos and L. Watkins. 2023. Repurposing mesoscale traffic models for insights into traveler heat exposure. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 114(Jan):103548. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2022.103548. (link )

Li, R., M. V. Chester, A. Middel, J. K. Vanos, D. Hernandez-Cortes, I. Buo and D. M. Hondula. 2023. Effectiveness of travel behavior and infrastructure change to mitigate heat exposure. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 5. DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2023.1129388. (link )

Pfirman, S. L., G. Fondahl, G. Hovelsrud and T. Mustonen. 2023. Special Issue "Shaping Tomorrow's Arctic". Sustainability 15(4):3732. DOI: 10.3390/su15043732. (link )

Rosales Chavez, J., K. L. Larson, J. Morales Guerrero and J. A. Clark. 2023. Evaluating how varied human-wildlife Interactions affect physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 4(Dec):100302. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100302. (link )

Schneider, F. A., J. Cordova Ortiz, J. K. Vanos, D. J. Sailor and A. Middel. 2023. Evidence-based guidance on reflective pavement for urban heat mitigation in Arizona. Nature Communications 14:Art. 1467. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36972-5. (link )

Schroder, S., A. Wiek, S. Farny and P. Luthardt. 2023. Toward holistic corporate sustainability—Developing employees' action competence for sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises through training. Buiness Strategy and the Environmente 32(4):1650-1669. DOI: 10.1002/bse.3210. (link )

Shaw, J., S. L. Collins, T. J. Ohlert, H. R. Heavenrich, E. M. Cook, M. M. Wheeler, N. B. Grimm and S. J. Hall. 2023. Seasonal rainfall, shrub cover and soil properties drive production of winter annuals in the nothern Sonoran Desert. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-023-00850-4. (link )

Turner, V. K., A. Middel and J. K. Vanos. 2023. Shade is an essential solution for hotter cities. Nature 619:694-697. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-023-02311-3. (link )

Williamson, M. and B. A. Ball. 2023. Soil biogeochemical responses to multiple co-occurring forms of human-induced environmental change. Oecologia 201:1109-1121. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-023-05360-7. (link )


Andrade, R., H. L. Bateman, K. L. Larson, C. Herzog and J. A. Clark. 2022. To the rescue—evaluating the social-ecological patterns for bird intakes. Urban Ecosystems 25:179-192. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-021-01135-1. (link )

Andrade, R., K. L. Larson, J. Franklin, S. B. Lerman, H. L. Bateman and P. S. Warren. 2022. Species traits explain public perceptions of human–bird interactions. Ecological Applications 32(8):e2676. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2676. (link )

Ankrom, K. E., A. L. Franco, S. J. Fonte, L. A. Gherardi, C. Milano de Tomasel, C. Wepking, P. Guan, S. Cui, S. H. Salama and D. H. Wall. 2022. Ecological maturity and stability of nematode communities in response to precipitation manipulations in grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology 170(Feb):104263.

Ashander, J., K. Kroetz, R. Epanchin-Niell, N. B. Phelps, R. G. Haight and L. Dee. 2022. Guiding large-scale management of invasive species using network metrics. Nature Sustainability 5:762-769. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-022-00913-9. (link )

Ball, B. A., L. M. Christenson and K. G. Wickings. 2022. A cross-system analysis of litter chemical dynamics throughout decomposition. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-022-00749-6. (link )

Ball, B. A., M. Haberkorn and E. Ortiz. 2022. Mesofauna community influences litter chemical trajectories during early-stage litter decay. Pedobiologia 95(Dec):150844. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2022.150844. (link )

Bateman, H. L., B. D. Allen, M. S. Moore and D. M. Hondula. 2022. Urban heat and desert wildlife: Rodent body condition across a gradient of surface temperatures. Urban Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s11252-023-01358-4. (link )

Batur, I., S. A. Markolf, M. V. Chester, A. Middel, D. M. Hondula and J. K. Vanos. 2022. Street-level heat and air pollution exposure informed by mobile sensing. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 113(Dec):10353. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2022.103535. (link )

Berbés-Blázquez, M., M. L. Schoon, K. Benessaiah, E. M. Bennett, G. D. Peterson and R. Ghimire. 2022. Resilience in the times of COVID: What the response to the COVID pandemic teaches us about resilience principles. Ecology and Society 27(2):Art. 16. DOI: 10.5751/ES-13223-270216. (link )

Birdman, J., A. Wiek and D. J. Lang. 2022. Developing key competencies in sustainability through project-based learning in graduate sustainability programs. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 23(5):1139-1157. DOI: 10.1108/IJSHE-12-2020-0506. (link )

Breslin, P. B., M. F. Wojciechowski and L. C. Majure. 2022. Remarkably rapid, recent diversification of Cochemiea and Mammillaria (Cactaceae) in the Baja California, Mexico region. American Journal of Botany 109(9):1472-1487. DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16048. (link )

Burch, S., J. DiBella, A. Wiek, S. Schaltegger, W. Stubbs, M. A. Farrelly, B. Ness and K. McCormick. 2022. Building urban resilience through sustainability-oriented small- and medium-sized enterprises. Urban Transformations 4:Art. 12. DOI: 10.1186/s42854-022-00041-9. (link )

Carvalho, B., A. Wiek and B. Ness. 2022. Can B Corp certification anchor sustainability in SMEs?. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 29(1):293-304. DOI: 10.1002/csr.2192. (link )

Choi, I., D. Cardoso, L. P. de Queiroz, H. C. de Lima, C. Lee, T. A. Ruhlman, R. K. Jansen and M. F. Wojciechowski. 2022. Highly resolved papilionoid legume phylogeny based on plastid phylogenomics. Frontiers in Plant Science 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.823190. (link )

Choi, I., M. F. Wojciechowski, K. Steele, S. G. Hunter, T. A. Ruhlman and R. K. Jansen. 2022. Born in the mitochondrion and raised in the nucleus: evolution of a novel tandem repeat family in Medicago polymorpha (Fabaceae). The Plant Journal 110(2):389-406. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15676. (link )

Clark, C. and G. P. Nyaupane. 2022. Connecting landscape-scale ecological restoration and tourism: Stakeholder perspectives in the great plains of North America. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30(11):2595-2613. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1801698. (link )

Clark, C. and G. P. Nyaupane. 2022. Understanding Millennials’ nature-based tourism experience through their perceptions of technology use and travel constraints. Journal of Ecotourism DOI: 10.1080/14724049.2021.2023555. (link )

Clark, C., G. P. Nyaupane and A. Lichterman. 2022. Comparison between Millennials’ and providers’ perceptions of technology use in a nature-based tourism context. Current Issues in Tourism 25(13):2086-2089. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1895731. (link )

Clark, C., G. P. Nyaupane, D. J. Timothy and C. N. Buzinde. 2022. Scenario planning as a tool to manage tourism uncertainties during the era of COVID-19: a case study of Arizona, USA. Current issues in Tourism 25(7):1063-1073. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2032617. (link )

Clark, J. A., S. B. Lerman, A. J. Basile, H. L. Bateman, P. J. Deviche, P. S. Warren and K. L. Sweazea. 2022. No fry zones: How restaurant distribution and abundance influence avian communities in the Phoenix, AZ metropolitan area. PLOS One 17(10):e0269334. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269334. (link )

Collins, D. L. 2022. Essay: Teaching MFA students to teach. FATE in Review

Dooley, K., V. Thakker, B. Bakshi, M. Scholz, F. Hafsa, G. Basile and R. Buch. 2022. A multi-disciplinary assessment of innovations to improve grocery bag circularity. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 49:625-630. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-85159-6.50104-4. (link )

El-Sayed, S. and S. Cloutier. 2022. Weaving disciplines to conceptualize a regenerative food system. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 11(2):23-51. DOI: 10.5304/jafscd.2022.112.003 . (link )

Garcia-Pichel, F. and O. E. Sala. 2022. Expanding the pulse-reserve paradigm to microorganisms on the basis of differential reserve management strategies. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2022.02.24.481838.

Gigliotti, L. C., W. Xu, G. R. Zuckerman, M. P. Atwood, E. K. Cole, A. Courtemanch, S. Dewey, J. A. Gude, P. Hnilicka, M. Hurley, M. Kauffman, K. Kroetz, A. Lawson, B. Leonard, D. R. MacNulty, E. Maichak, D. McWhirter, T. W. Mong, K. Proffitt, B. Scurlock and A. D. Middleton. 2022. Wildlife migrations highlight importance of both private lands and protected areas in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Biological Conservation 275(Nov):109752. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109752. (link )

Gin, L., D. C. Pais, K. D. Parrish, S. E. Brownell and K. C. Cooper. 2022. New online accommodations are not enough: The mismatch between student needs and supports given for students with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 23(1):1-9. DOI: 10.1128/jmbe.00280-21. (link )

Guo, X., G. Huang, X. Tu and J. Wu. 2022. Effects of urban greenspace and socioeconomic factors on air conditioner use: A multilevel analysis in Beijing, China. Building and Environmnet 211(Mar):108752. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.108752. (link )

Guzman-Echavarria, G., A. Middel and J. K. Vanos. 2022. Beyond heat exposure — new methods to quantify and link personal heat exposure, stress, and strain in diverse populations and climates: The journal Temperature toolbox. Temperature 10(3):358-378. DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2022.2149024 . (link )

Henning, A., N. J. Downs and J. K. Vanos. 2022. Wearable ultraviolet radiation sensors for research and personal use. International Journal of Biometeorology 66:627-640. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-021-02216-8. (link )

Homayounfar, M., R. Muneepeerakul and J. M. Anderies. 2022. Resilience-performance trade-offs in managing social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 27(1):7. DOI: 10.5751/ES-12892-270107. (link )

Hudson, A. R., D. P. Peters, J. M. Blair, D. L. Childers, P. T. Doran, K. Geil, M. N. Gooseff, K. Gross, N. M. Haddad, M. A. Pastore, J. A. Rudgers, O. E. Sala, E. W. Seabloom and G. Shaver. 2022. Cross-site comparisons of dryland ecosystem responses to climate change in the US Long-Term Ecological Research network. BioScience 72(9):889-907. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab134. (link )

Keener, V., Z. Grecni and S. C. Moser. 2022. Accelerating climate change adaptive capacity through regional sustained assessment and evaluation for Hawai'i and the U.S. affiliated Pacific islands. Frontiers in Climate 4. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2022.869760 . (link )

Keller, A. B., E. T. Borer, S. L. Collins, L. C. DeLancey, P. A. Fay, K. S. Hofmockel, A. D. Leakey, M. A. Mayes, E. W. Seabloom, C. A. Walter, Y. Wang, Q. Zhao and S. E. Hobbie. 2022. Soil carbon stocks in temperate grasslands differ strongly across sites but are insensitive to decade-long fertilization. Global Change Biology 28(4):1659-1677. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15988. (link )

Kindler, M., E. R. Vivoni, E. R. Perez-Ruiz and Z. Wang. 2022. Water conservation potential of modified turf grass irrigation in urban parks of Phoenix, Arizona. Ecohydrology 14(3):e2399. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2399. (link )

Kroetz, K., L. Nastbakken and M. Quaas. 2022. The future of wild-caught fisheries: Expanding the scope of management. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 16(2):. DOI: 10.1086/721097. (link )

Kulkarni, K. K., F. A. Schneider, T. Gowda, S. Layasuriya and A. Middel. 2022. MaRTiny -- a low cost biometeorological sensing device with embedded computer vision for urban climate research. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:866240. (link )

Lang, D. J. and A. Wiek. 2022. Structuring and advancing solution-oriented research for sustainability. Ambio 51:31-35. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-021-01537-7. (link )

Langley, J. A., E. Grman, K. R. Wilcox, M. L. Avolio, K. Komatsu, S. L. Collins, S. E. Koerner, M. D. Smith, A. H. Baldwin, W. D. Bowman, N. R. Chiariello, A. Eskelinen, H. Harmens, M. J. Hovenden, K. Klanderud, R. L. McCulley, V. G. Onipchenko, C. H. Robinson and K. N. Suding. 2022. Do trade-offs govern plant species’ responses to different global change treatments?. Ecology e3626. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3626. (link )

Larson, K. L., J. A. Brown, K. J. Lee and H. Pearsall. 2022. Park equity: Why subjective measures matter. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 76(Oct):17733. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127733. (link )

Larson, K. L., S. B. Lerman, K. C. Nelson, D. L. Narango, M. M. Wheeler, P. M. Groffman, S. J. Hall and J. M. Grove. 2022. Examining the potential to expand wildlife-supporting residential yards and gardens. Landscape and Urban Planning 222(Jun):104396. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104396. (link )

Liu, L., X. Fang and J. Wu. 2022. How does the local-scale relationship between ecosystem services and human wellbeing vary across broad regions?. Science of The Total Environment 816(Apr):151492. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151493. (link )

Lopez-Carr, D., J. K. Vanos, A. Sanchez-Vargas, R. Vargas and F. Castillo. 2022. Extreme heat and COVID-19: A dual burden for farmworkers. Frontiers in Public Health 10. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.884152. (link )

McGraw, K. J., V. Aguiar de Souza Penha, D. J. Drake, S. Kraberger and A. Varsani. 2022. Poxvirus infection in house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus): Genome sequence analysis and patterns of infection in wild birds. Tramsbpimdary amd Emerging Diseases 69(5): e2318-e2328. DOI: 10.1111/tbed.14575. (link )

McGreevy, S. R., C. D. Rupprecht, D. Niles, A. Wiek, M. Carolan, G. Kallis, K. Kantamaturapoj, A. Mangnus, P. Jehlicka, O. Taherzadeh, M. Sahakian, I. Chabay, A. Colby, J. Vivero-Pol, R. Chaudhuri, M. Spiegelberg, M. Kobayashi, B. Balazs, K. Tsuchiya, C. Nicholls, K. Tanaka, J. Vervoort, M. Akitsu, H. Mallee, K. Ota, R. Shinkai, A. Khadse, N. Tamura, K. Abe, M. Altieri, Y. Sato and M. Tachikawa. 2022. Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world. Nature Sustainability DOI: 10.1038/s41893-022-00933-5. (link )

Michel, S., A. Wiek, L. Bloemertz, B. Bornemann, L. Granchamp, C. Villet, L. Gascon, D. Sipple, N. Blanke, J. Lindenmeier and M. Gay-Para. 2022. Opportunities and challenges of food policy councils in pursuit of food system sustainability and food democracy – a comparative case study from the Upper-Rhine Region. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6. DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.916178. (link )

Millar, C. I. and A. T. Smith. 2022. Return of the pika: American pikas re-occupy long-extirpated, warm locations. Ecology and Evolution 12(9):e9295. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9295. (link )

Nazarian, N., E. S. Krayenhoff, B. Bechtel, D. M. Hondula, R. Paolini, J. K. Vanos, T. Cheung, W. T. Chow, R. de Dear, O. Jay, J. K. Lee, A. Martilli, A. Middel, L. K. Norford, M. Sadeghi, S. Schiavon and M. Santamouris. 2022. Integrated assessment of urban overheating impacts on human life. Earth's Future 10(8):e2022EF002682. DOI: 10.1029/2022EF002682. (link )

Niu, K., J. Suonan, . Badingqiuying, A. T. Smith and M. J. Lechowicz. 2022. Embedding trait-based ecology within indigenous knowledge to advance sustainable management of Tibetan rangeland. Applied Vegetation Science 25(4):e12687. DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12687. (link )

Nyaupane, G. P., S. Poudel and A. M. York. 2022. Governance of protected areas: An institutional analysis of conservation, community livelihood, and tourism outcomes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30(11):2686-2705. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1858089. (link )

Pallathadka, A., J. Sauer, H. Chang and N. B. Grimm. 2022. Urban flood risk and green infrastructure: Who is exposed to risk and who benefits from investment? A case study of three U.S. cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 223(Jul):104417. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104417. (link )

Pfeiffer, D., M. M. Ehlenz and R. Saadaoui. 2022. Coping and connecting through creativity in the neighborhood realm during COVID-19. Journal of Planning Education and Research DOI: 10.1177/0739456X221125443. (link )

Poulos, A., K. Wilson, K. Lanza and J. K. Vanos. 2022. A direct observation tool to measure interactions between shade, nature, and children’s physical activity: SOPLAY-SN. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 19:Art. 127. DOI: 10.1186/s12966-022-01355-4. (link )

Rybkowski, Z. K., P. Arroyo and K. Parrish. 2022. Assessment of current target value design practices: consistencies and inconsistencies of application. Construction Managment and Economics 40(7-8):598-617. DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2022.2037146. (link )

Rykaczewski, K., J. K. Vanos and A. Middel. 2022. Anisotropic radiation source models for computational thermal manikin simulations based on common radiation field measurements. Building and Environment 208(Jan):108636. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108636. (link )

Sala, O. E. 2022. Open access is a misnomer. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20(2):71-71. DOI: 10.1002/fee.2475. (link )

Salazar-Martinez, D., F. Holwerda, T. R. Holmes, E. A. Yepez, C. R. Hain, S. Alvarado-Barrientos, G. Ángeles-Pérez, T. Arredondo-Moreno, J. Delgado-Balbuena, B. Figueroa-Espinozaj, J. Garatuza-Payan, E. González del Castillo, J. C. Rodriguez, N. E. Rojas-Robles, J. M. Uuh-Sonda and E. R. Vivoni. 2022. Evaluation of remote sensing-based evapotranspiration products at low-latitude eddy covariance sites. Journal of Hydrology 610(Jul):127786. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127786. (link )

Sanderson, M. J., A. Burquez, D. Copetti, M. McMahon, Y. Zeng and M. F. Wojciechowski. 2022. Origin and diversification of the saguaro cactus (Carhegiea gigantea): A within-species phylogenomic analysis. Systematic Biology 71(5):1178-1194. DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syac017. (link )

Schlosser, P., H. Eicken, V. Metcalf, S. L. Pfirman, M. Murray and C. M. Edwards. 2022. The Arctic highlights of our failure to act in a rapidly changing world. Sustainability 14(3):1882. DOI: 10.3390/su14031882. (link )

Senko, J. F., K. M. Burgher, M. del Mar Mancha-Cisneros, B. J. Godley, I. Kinan-Kelly, T. Fox, F. Humber, V. Koch, A. T. Smith and B. P. Wallace. 2022. Global patterns of illegal marine turtle exploitation. Global Change Biology 28(22):6509-6523. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16378. (link )

Shananda Saha, S., A. Scaglione, R. Ramakrishna and N. G. Johnson. 2022. Distribution systems AC state estimation via sparse AMI data using graphic signal processing. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13(5):3636-3649. DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2022.3176298. (link )

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Shortridge, A., W. Walker VI, D. D. White, M. Guardaro, D. M. Hondula and J. K. Vanos. 2022. HeatReady schools: A novel approach to enhance adaptive capacity to heat through school community experiences, risks, and perceptions. Climate Risk Management 36:100437. DOI: 10.1016/j.crm.2022.100437. (link )

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Shimizu, M., E. A. Wentz, J. Merson, D. Q. Kellogg and A. J. Gold. 2018. Modeling anthropogenic nitrogen flow for the Niantic River catchment in coastal New England. Landscape Ecology 33(8):1385-1398. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-018-0667-3. (link )

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Silova, I. 2018. Searching for the soul: Athena's owl in the comparative education cosmos. European Education 50(2):223-227. DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2018.1462665. (link )

Singia, A., J. M. Stritch and M. K. Feeney. 2018. Constrained or creative? Changes in financial condition and entrepreneurial orientation in public organizations. Public Administration 96(4):769-786. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12540. (link )

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Stritch, J. M., N. Darnall, L. Hsueh and S. Bretschneider. 2018. Green technology firms and sustainable public purchasing. IEEE ENgineering Management Review 46(1):128-131. DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2018.2810080. (link )

Stritch, J. M., A. L. Molina Jr and N. Favero. 2018. Pushing too hard? Unattainable organizational goals and frontline employee turnover. Review of Public Administration 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/0734371X18805795. (link )

Stritch, J. M. and A. R. Villadsen. 2018. The gender wage gap and the moderating effect of education in public and private sector employment. Public Administration 96(4):690-706. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12533. (link )

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van der Leeuw, S. 2018. The role of narratives in human-environmental relations: an essay on elaborating win-win solutions to climate change and sustainability. Climatic Change 160:509-519. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-019-02403-y. (link )

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In Press

Brundiers, K., B. Kay and T. Foucrier. Professional Skills for Sustainability – An Introduction to Communication, Teamwork, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Self-Management, and Continuous Learning. School of Sustainability. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.


Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds. 2022. Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 9780367466275.

Pasqualetti, M. J. 2022. The Thread of Energy: Weaving the Tapestries of Our Lives. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-758129-7.

Smith, A. T., H. Smith and R. Alexander. 2022. Magnificent Majestic Mono Lake. Publih Authority. ISBN: 978-1954000308.

Turner II, B. L. 2022. The Anthropocene: 101 Questions and Answers for Understsanding the Human Impact on the Global Environment. Agenda Publishing. ISBN: 9781788215114.


Bates, D. E. 2020. Basket Diplomacy: Leadership, Alliance-Building, and Resilience among the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, 1884-1984. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN: 978-1496212085.

Burnham, A., M. Diallo, A. Beye, M. Lecoq and A. J. Cease. Gueye, B. ed. 2020. Méthodes de lutte antiacridienne pour les communautés du bassin arachidier du Senegal [Community management of locusts and grasshopper in central Senegal]. (Lecoq, M. and F. B. Sarr, Trans.) Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.

Burnham, A., B. B. Kantola, M. Diallo, A. Beye, M. Lecoq, M. Toure and A. J. Cease. Gueye, B. ed. 2020. Criquets ravageurs des régions centrales du Senegal: guide pour l’agriculteur [Locust and grasshopper pests of central Senegal: an agriculturist’s guide]. (Lecoq, M. and F. B. Sarr, Trans.) Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.

Crow, M. M. and W. B. Dabars. 2020. The Fifth Wave: The Evolution of American Higher Education. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD. ISBN: 978-1421438023.

Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds. 2020. Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kengall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Hinojosa, M. and M. C. Kittilson. 2020. Seeing Women, Strengthening Democracy: How Women in Politics Foster Connected Citizens. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0197526941.

Maynard, A. D. 2020. Future Rising: A Journey from the Past to the Edge of Tomorrow. Mango Publishing Group. Coral Gables, FL. ISBN: 978-1-61250-263-3.

Ron, A. and M. Nadesan. 2020. Mapping Populism: Approaches and Methods. Routledge. ISBN: 9780367271442.

van der Leeuw, S. E. 2020. Social Sustainability, Past and Future: Undoing Unintended Consequences for the Earth's Survival. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK. ISBN: 9781108498692.


Bate, J. 2019. How the Classics Made Shakespeare. Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ. ISBN: 9780691161600.

Brewis, A. and A. Wutich. 2019. Lazy, Crazy, and Disgusting: Stigma and the Undoing of Global Health. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD. ISBN: 978-1421433356.

Childers, D. L., E. E. Gaiser and L. A. Ogden eds. 2019. The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190869007.

DesRoches, C. T., F. Jankunis and B. Williston eds. 2019. Canadian Environmental Philosophy. McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN: 9780773556676.

Hannah, D., B. Cooper, J. Eschrich and C. Selin eds. 2019. A Year Without a Winter. Columbia University Press. ISBN: 9781941332382.

Pardo Benitez, M. G., M. L. Cruz-Torres and R. Gonzalez Navar eds. 2019. Trabajo Social: Temas para la Reflexión, Investigación e Intervención en la Complejidad Social. Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa/Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Mexico.

Pasqualetti, M. J. 2019. Nuclear Decommissioning and Society: Public Links to a New Technology. Routledge (first published 1990; forthcoming 2021). ISBN: 9780429278471.

Smith, H., A. T. Smith and R. Alexander. 2019. The Astonishing, Astounding, Amazing Sonoran Desert. Dockside Sailing Press. ISBN: 978-0578544472.


Akunin, B. 2018. To Kill a Serpent in the Shell. (Orlich, I. A., Trans.) Dalkey Archive Press. ISBN: 978-1628973204.

Bate, J. ed. 2018. Titus Andronicus: Revised Edition. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. ISBN: 978-1350030916.

Chandler, J. L. and R. E. Kirsch. 2018. Critical Leadership Theory: Integrating Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-319-96471-3.

Chankseliani, M. and I. Silova eds. 2018. Comparing Post-Socialist Transformations: Purposes, Policies, and Practices in Education. Symposium Books. Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-1910744031.

Daly Goggin, M. and P. N. Goggin eds. 2018. Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research. The University Press of Colorado. ISBN: 978-1607327387.

Feisst, S. M. ed. 2018. Schoenberg's Correspondence with American Composers. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195383577.

Felt, U., R. Fouche, C. A. Miller and L. Smith-Doerr eds. 2018. The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Fourth Edition. MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262035682.

Gober, P. 2018. Building Resilience for Uncertain Water Futures. Palgrave Macmillan. Cham, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71234-5. ISBN: 978-3-319-71234-5.

Hagen, B. and D. Pijawka eds. 2018. Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies. Kendall Hunt. ISBN: 9781524969349.

Hull, M. S. and D. M. Bowman eds. 2018. Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety: Risks, Regulation, and Management, 3rd Edition. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128135884.

MacFadyen, J. 2018. Flax Americana: A History of the Fibre and Oil that Covered a Continent. McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN: 978-0773553477.

Maynard, A. D. 2018. Films from the Future: The Technology and Morality of Sci-Fi Movies. Mango Publishing. Coral Gables, FL. ISBN: 978-1-63353-907-5.

Mejia, G. M., P. A. Escandon, A. F. Roldan and J. Velasquez. 2018. Diseño para la salud: Arquitectura de la elección para el control del sobrepeso y la obesidad [Design for Health: Choice Architecture for Obesity Prevention]. Editorial Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Columbia.

Silova, I., N. Piattoeva and Z. Millei eds. 2018. Childhood and Schooling in (Post)Socialist Societies: Memories of Everyday Life. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9783319627908.

Smith, A. T., C. H. Johnston, P. C. Alves and K. Hacklander eds. 2018. Lagomorphs: Pikas, Rabbits, and Hares of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD. ISBN: 9781421423401.

Timothy, D. J. ed. 2018. Routledge Handbook on Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa. Routledge. New York,NY. ISBN: 9781138651920.


Adamson, J. and M. Davis eds. 2017. Humanities for the Environment: Integrating Knowledge, Forging New Constellations of Practice. Routledge. New York. ISBN: 978-1138188167.

Apostol, D., J. Palmer, M. Pasqualetti, R. Smardon and R. Sullivan. 2017. The Renewable Energy Landscape: Preserving Scenic Values in Our Sustainable Future. Routledge. New York. ISBN: 978-1138808980.

Berman, N. 2017. Germans on the Kenyan Coast: Land, Charity, and Romance. Indiana University Press. ISBN: 978-0253024305.

Bouzarovski, S., M. J. Pasqualetti and V. Castan Broto eds. 2017. The Routledge Research Companion to Energy Geographies. Taylor & Francis Group. DOI: 10.4324/9781315612928. ISBN: 9781315612928.

Bowman, D. M., A. Dijkstra, C. Fautz, J. S. Guivant, K. Konrad, C. Shelley-Egan and S. Woll eds. 2017. The Politics and Situatedness of Emerging Technologies. IOS Press. ISBN: 978-1614997887.

Bowman, D. M., E. Stokes and A. Rip eds. 2017. Embedding New Technologies into Society: A Regulatory, Ethical and Societal Perspectives. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte, Ltd. Singapore. ISBN: 978-9814745741.

Cacciatore, J. 2017. Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Pain of Grief. Wisdom Publications. Somerville, MA. ISBN: 978-1614292968.

Cockerill, K., M. Armstrong, J. Richter and J. G. Okie. 2017. Environmental Realism: Challenging Solutions. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3319528236.

Cohen, J. J. and L. T. Elkins-Tanton. 2017. Earth. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN: 9781501317934.

Elkins-Tanton, L. T. and B. P. Weiss eds. 2017. Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets. Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10.1017/9781316339794. ISBN: 9781316339794. (link )

Finn, E. F. 2017. What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing. MIT Press.

Finn, E. F. and J. Eschrich eds. 2017. Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures. Center for Science and the Imagination. Arizona State University, Tempe. ISBN: 978-0-9995902-2-5.

Fischer, D. and M. von Hauff. 2017. Nachhaltiger Konsum. Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Wiesbaden. ISBN: 978-3943192377.

Guston, D. H., E. F. Finn and J. Robert eds. 2017. Frankenstein (by Mary Shelley): Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds. The MIT Press. Cambridge, MA. ISBN: 9780262533287.

Hegmon, M. ed. 2017. The Give and Take of Sustainability: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107078338.

Hunsaker, B. T. and B. L. Klippel. 2017. Mindset Positioning: Why Similar Talent Yields Dramatically Different Outcomes. And What To Do About It. Qualtis Group. ISBN: 978-0998518602.

Inkpen, A. C., M. H. Moffett and K. Ramaswamy. 2017. The Global Oil and Gas Industry: Case Studies from the Field. PennWell Corp. Tulsa, OK. ISBN: 978-1593703813.

Jalbert, K., A. Willow, D. Casagrande and S. Paladino eds. 2017. ExtrACTION: Impacts, Engagements, and Alternative Futures. Routledge. ISBN: 9781629584690.

Kirsch, R. and S. Surak eds. 2017. Marcuse in the Twenty-First Century: Radical Politics, Critical Theory, and Revolutionary Praxis. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138573215.

Kraeger, P., S. Cloutier and C. A. Talmage eds. 2017. New Dimensions in Community Well-Being. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-55407-5.

Lloyd, J. G., T. Nordhaus, D. Sarewitz and A. Trembath eds. 2017. The Rightful Place of Science: Climate Pragmatism. Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes. Tempe, AZ. ISBN: 978-0692897959.

Monani, S. and J. Adamson eds. 2017. Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies: Conversations from Earth to Cosmos. Routledge. New York. ISBN: 978-1138902978.

Orlich, I. A. 2017. Subversive Stages: Theater in Pre- and Post-Communist Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Central European University Press. Budapest, New York. ISBN: 978-963-386-116-5.

Quattrochi, D. A., E. A. Wentz, N. S. Lam and C. W. Emerson eds. 2017. Integrating Scale in Remote Sensing and GIS. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1482218268.

Silova, I., N. W. Sobe, A. Korzh and S. Kovalchuk eds. 2017. Reimagining Utopias: Theory and Method for Educational Research in Post-Socialist Contexts. Sense Publishers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6351-010-3.

Sumida Huaman, E. and B. M. Brayboy eds. 2017. Indigenous Innovations in Higher Education: Local Knowledge and Critical Research. Sense Publishers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6351-013-4.


Adamson, J., W. A. Gleason and D. N. Pellow. 2016. Keywords for Environmental Studies. New York University Press. New York and London. ISBN: 9780814760833.

Androff, D. 2016. Practicing Rights: Human Rights-Based Approaches to Social Work Practice. Routledge Press. New York,NY. ISBN: 978-0415709545.

Bates, D. E. ed. 2016. We Will Always Be Here: Native Peoples on Living and Thriving in the South. University Press of Florida. Gainesville, FL. ISBN: 978-0813062631.

Bowman, D. M., A. Dijkstra, C. Fautz, J. S. Guivant, K. Konrad, H. Van Lente and S. Woll eds. 2016. Responsibility and Emerging Technologies: Experiences, Education and Beyond. IOS Press. ISBN: 978-1614996972.

Brake, E. ed. 2016. After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships. Oxford University Press. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0190205072.

Brake, E. ed. 2016. After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190205072.

Favory, F. and S. E. van der Leeuw eds. 2016. Voyage dans l’Archéologie Spatiale Anglo-Saxonne. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté. Besançon. ISBN: 978-2848675671.

Gibson, A. H. 2016. Feral Animals in the American South: An Evolutionary History. Cambridge University Press. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-1107156944.

Gismondi, M., S. Connelly, M. Beckie, S. Markey and M. Roseland eds. 2016. Scaling Up: The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability. Athabasca University Press. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ISBN: 978-1771990219.

Heinrichs, H., P. Martens, G. Michelsen and A. Wiek eds. 2016. Sustainability Science: An Introduction. Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-7241-9.

Leight, R. L., I. Silova and F. Aktas. 2016. Lehigh University College of Education: 100 Years of Excellence. College of Education, Lehigh University. Bethelem, PA.

Maynard, A. D. and J. Stilgoe eds. 2016. The Ethics of Nanotechnology, Geoengineering, and Clean Energy. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1472435323.

Michelsen, G. and D. Fischer eds. 2016. Nachhaltigkeit und Journalismus: Erkenntnisse und Impulse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. VAS-Verlag für Akademische Schriften. ISBN: 978-3888645426.

Phillips, R. and C. Wharton eds. 2016. Growing Livelihoods: Local Food Systems and Community Development. Routledge. ISBN: 9780415727051.

Schmitz, A., P. L. Kennedy and T. G. Schmitz eds. 2016. Food Security in a Food Abundant World: An Individual Country Perspective. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-78560-215-3.

Shockley, E., T. M. Neal, L. M. PytlikZillig and B. H. Bornstein eds. 2016. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust: Towards Theoretical and Methodological Integration. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-22260-8.

Twiss, S. B., F. Bird, C. A. Miller, B. Grelle and K. Pedersen. 2016. The Practices of Global Ethics: Historical Backgrounds, Current Issues, and Future Prospects 1st Edition. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN: 978-1474407045.

Varela, C. M. 2016. Interrogatorio en Elsinore. (Orlich, I. A., Trans.) Editura Euro Press.

Weaver, R., S. Bagchi-Sen, J. Knight and A. E. Frazier. 2016. Shrinking Cities: Understanding Urban Decline in the United States. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138796867.

Werner, S., A. Inkpen and M. H. Moffett. 2016. Managing Human Resources in the Oil & Gas Industry. PennWell Corp. Tulsa, OK. ISBN: 978-1593703622.


Abbott, K. W., P. Genschel and B. Zangl eds. 2015. International Organizations as Orchestrators. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781139979696.

Adhikari, A. P., G. P. Dahal, I. Mahat, B. Regmi, K. Subedi and B. Shrestha eds. 2015. Sustainable Livelihood Systems in Nepal: Principles, Practices and Prospects. IUCN and CFFN. Katmandu, Nepal. ISBN: 978-9937-8467-2-1. (link )

Alessa, L., A. Kliskey, M. Altaweel, M. Barton, S. Bankes, E. Bondizio, D. Brown, J. Feddema, C. Grier, J. Liu, E. F. Moran, J. Ozik, T. Park, W. Rand, S. Wang and D. Rogers. 2015. Best Practices for Integrating Social Sciences into Social Ecological Systems Science: Future Directions for Building a More Resilient America. Center for Resilient Communities, University of Idaho. Moscow, ID. ISBN: 978-0-692-45080-2. (link )

Anderson, C. and A. Fischer. 2015. North Shore: The Natural History of Minnesota’s Superior Coast. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN: 978-0816632329.

Audretsch, D. B., C. S. Hayter and A. N. Link eds. 2015. Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Cheltenham, UK. ISBN: 978-1783474189.

Bate, J. 2015. Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Life. Harper Collins. Great Britain. ISBN: 978-0062362438.

Biggs, R., M. Schluter and M. L. Schoon eds. 2015. Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107082656.

Bowman, D. M., A. Dijkstra, C. Fautz, J. S. Guivant, K. Konrad, H. Van Lente and S. Woll eds. 2015. Practices of Innovation and Responsibility: Insights from Methods, Governance and Action. IOS Press. ISBN: 978-1614995814.

Cacciatore, J. and J. DeFrain eds. 2015. The World of Bereavement: Cultural Perspectives on Death in Families. Springer International Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3319139449.

Campbell, H. E., Y. Kim and A. Eckerd. 2015. Rethinking Environmental Justice in Sustainable Cities: Insights from Agent-Based Modeling. Routledge. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0415657440.

Crow, M. M. and W. Dabars. 2015. Designing the New American University. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN: 978-1421417233.

Cruz-Torres, M. L. 2015. Voices Throughout Time: Ethnographic Testimonies of Women Seafood Traders in Southern Sinaloa, Mexico. Autonomous University of Sinaloa Press. Sinaloa, Mexico.

Drum, M. and R. Stevens eds. 2015. Fish Stories Community Cookbook. Paths to Pier 42. New York. (link )

Finn, E. F. and G. P. Zachary eds. 2015. Journeys Through Time and Space. Intel Corporation.

Finn, E. F. and G. P. Zachary eds. 2015. Living Tomorrow. Intel Corporation.

Hagen, B. 2015. Public Perception of Climate Change: Policy and Communication. Routledge. ISBN: 9781315758558.

Haglund, L. and R. Stryker eds. 2015. Closing the Rights Gap: From Human Rights to Social Transformation. University of California Press. ISBN: 978-0520283091.

Hilgartner, S., C. A. Miller and R. Hagendijk eds. 2015. Science and Democracy: Making Knowledge and Making Power in the Biosciences and Beyond. Routledge. London.

Johnston, E. W. ed. 2015. Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138832084.

Joss, S., R. Cowley, M. de Jong, B. Muller, B. Soon Park, W. Rees, M. Roseland and Y. Rydin. 2015. Tomorrow’s City Today: Prospects for Standardising Sustainable Urban Development. University of Westminster. ISBN: 978-0957052765.

Karanfil, T., B. Mitch, P. K. Westerhoff and Y. Xie eds. 2015. Recent Advances in Disinfection By-Products. American Chemical Society. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2015-1190. ISBN: 13: 9780841230767. (link )

Kittinger, J. N., L. McClenachan, K. B. Gedan and L. K. Blight eds. 2015. Marine Historical Ecology in Conservation: Applying the Past to Manage for the Future. University of California Press. ISBN: 978-0520276949.

Korkin, A., S. M. Goodnick and R. Nemanich eds. 2015. Nanoscale Materials and Devices for Electronics, Photonics and Solar Energy. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3319186320.

Lu, J., Q. Lu, Y. Zhou and J. Li. 2015. Statistical Indicators and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in the Context of Climate Change: A Case Study of Jianguin City. Nanjing University Press. Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

Miller, T. R. 2015. Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and Action for a Sustainable Future. Routledge. ISBN: 9780415632614. (link )

Minteer, B. A. and S. J. Pyne eds. 2015. After Preservation: Saving American Nature in the Age of Humans. University of Chicago Press. Chicago. ISBN: 9780226259826.

Morehart, C. T. and K. De Lucia eds. 2015. Surplus: The Politics of Production and the Strategies of Everyday Life. University Press of Colorado. ISBN: 978-1607323716.

Pijawka, D. ed. 2015. Sustainability in the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781465266712.

Pyne, S. J. 2015. Between Two Fires: A Fire History of Contemporary America. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ. ISBN: 978-0-8165-3182-0.

Schmidt, A., K. E. Fristad and L. T. Elkins-Tanton eds. 2015. Volcanism and Global Environmental Change. Cambrdige University Press. Cambridge, UK. ISBN: 978-1107058378.

Schmitz, A., P. L. Kennedy and T. G. Schmitz eds. 2015. Food Security in an Uncertain World: An International Perspective. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-78560-213-9.

Sumida Huaman, E. and B. Sriraman eds. 2015. Indigenous Innovation: Universalities and Peculiarities. Sense Publishers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6300-225-7 .

Teixeira, C. and W. Li eds. 2015. The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities. University of Toronto Press. ISBN: 978-1442628380.

Tirosh-Samuelson, H. and A. W. Hughes eds. 2015. Avi Sagi: Existentialism, Pluralism, and Identity. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN: 978-9004280809.

Tirosh-Samuelson, H. and A. W. Hughes eds. 2015. Lenn E. Goodman: Judaism, Humanity, and Nature. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN: 978-9004280755.

Zirulnik, M. L., L. Gutkind and D. Guston eds. 2015. The Rigthful Place of Science: Creative Nonfiction. Consortium for Science, Policy & OUtcomes, Arizona State University. ISBN: 978-0692366158.

Book Chapters

In Press

Berman, N. Interkulturelle Kompetenz, Intersektionalität und Selbstreflektion: Zur Methode einer Globalgeschichte der deutschen Literatur. In: Kim, D. and U. Buettner eds., Globalgeschichte der deutschen Literatur. De Gruyter.

Bernstein, M. J. Governance and institutions for responsible research and innovation in European framework funding. Responsible Research and Innovation in Policy and Practice . Springer Nature.

Clements, C. B. and T. M. Neal. Research in criminal psychology. In: Morgan, R. D. ed., Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. SAGE Publications. Thousand Oaks, CA.

Cook, E. M., R. L. Hale, J. M. Grove and A. P. Kinzig. Urban-suburban biodiversity. In: Levin, L. A. ed., Encyclopedia of Biodiversity 2nd Edition. Elsevier Press.

Cutter, S. L. and M. Gall. Hurricane Katrina: A failure of planning or planned failure? [in German]. In: Glade, T. and C. Felgentreff eds., Naturrisiken und Sozialkatastrophen. Springer Spektrum. ISBN: 978-3-662-47097-8.

DesRoches, C. T. On the concept of sustainablity. In: Williston, B. ed., Environmental Ethics for Canadians 3nd Edition . Oxford University Press.

Ferguson, C. and P. W. Hirt. "Power to the People": Grassroots advocacy, environmental protection, and democratic governance in the late 20th century. In: Miller, C. and J. Crane eds., The Nature of Hope: Grassroots Organizing, Environmental Justice, and Political Change. University Press of Colorado.

Fixico, D. L. Between a rock and a hard place: The road of Native American environmental issues. In: Connell-Szasz, M. ed., Nations on the Move. State University of New York Press. Albany, NY.

Fixico, D. L. Writing American Indian histories in the twenty-first century. In: Krupik, I. ed., Handbook of the North American Indian. Smithsonian Press. Washington, DC.

Gerber, B. J., C. Provost and M. Gall. Environmental governance in western Europe: A comparative assessment of local sustainability practices in the presence of climate change vulnerability. In: Sapat, A. ed., Routledge Handbook of Environmental Governance. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138920507.

Green, D. M. and M. G. Baker. Riparian vegetation along a gradient of urbanization in the upper Sonoran Desert.

Hager, M. A. Life cycles of nonprofit organizations. In: Farazmand, A. ed., Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-20927-2.

Holman, Z. C. and M. Boccard. Light management in silicon solar cells. In: Freundlich, A., A. Reinders, P. Verlinden and W. Van Stark eds., Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 9781118927465.

Morehart, C. T. Diversity, standardization, and the state: The politics of maize agriculture in Postclassic, central Mexico. In: Foster II, H. T., L. M. Paciulli and B. J. Goldstein eds., Viewing the Future in the Past: Historical Ecology Applications to Environmental Issues. University of South Carolina Press. ISBN: 978-1611175868.

Nelson, M. K. Nourishing. In: Hausdoerffer, J., B. Hecht, K. Cummings and M. K. Nelson eds., What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be?. Chicago University Press.

Orlich, I. A. Reading the politics of exile. Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture. Palgraive.

Peterson, C. B., C. A. Talmage and R. C. Knopf. Weaving reflection, action, and knowledge creation as a catalyst into the cycle of praxis for community development. In: Phillips, R., E. Trevan and P. Kraeger eds., Research Handbook on Community Development. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978-1788118460.

Pettit, C., E. A. Wentz, B. Randolph, D. Sanderson, F. Kelly, S. Beevers and J. Reades. Tackling the challenge of growing cities" An informed urbanisation approach. In: Hawken, S., H. Han and C. Pettit eds., Open Cites | Open Data: Collaborative Cities n the Information Era. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 978-981-13-6604-8.

Pfeiffer, D. Diverging racial geographies in Phoenix's postwar and post-civil rights suburbs. In: Nijman, J. ed., North American Suburbanisms. University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Pyne, S. J. An introduction to fire. America: Encyclopedia of Earth.

Pyne, S. J. Fire. Encyclopedia of American Environmental History.

Sumida Huaman, E. Yachayninchis (our knowledge): Agriculture, environment, and human rights education in the Peruvian Andes. In: McKinley, E. A. and L. T. Smith eds., Handbook on Indigenous Education. Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-10-3900-3.

Swanson, S., R. Anyon, M. C. Nelson and S. Ventre. Pithouse villages, population dynamics and landscape use in the Southern Mogollon region, AD 200-900. Amerind Foundation, Dragoon, AZ; University of New Mexico Press.

Wang, C., S. W. Myint and M. Hutchins. The assessment of deforestation, forest degradation, and carbon release in Myanmar (2000-2010). In: Thapa, P. ed., Environment and Conservation in the Human-Dominated Himalaya. Springer.

Watanabe, K. H., H. Aladjov, S. A. Bell, W. Cheng, R. B. Conolly, S. W. Edwards, N. Garcia-Reyero, M. L. Mayo, A. Schroeder, C. Wittwehr and E. J. Perkins. Big data integration and inference. In: Neagu, D. and A. Richarz eds., Big Data in Predictive Toxicology. Royal Society of Chemistry. ISBN: 978-1782622987.


Byers, A. C. and M. Shrestha. 2022. Conservation and restoration of alpine ecosystems in the Himalaya: New challenges for adventure tourism in the 21st century. In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367466275.

Ferrando, S. 2022. Chapter 6 Cravasco: An example of slow violence. In: Benvegnu, D. and M. Gilebbi eds., Italy and the Ecological Imagination: Ecocritical Theories and Practices. Vernon Press. ISBN: 978-1-64889-225-7.

Nyaupane, G. P. 2022. Himalayan vulnerabilities and resilience: Climate change and natural disasters, shifting physical landscapes, and development. In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367466275.

Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy. 2022. Tourism and development in the Himalaya. Pp. 1-15 In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367466275.

Timothy, D. J. 2022. Moral geographics, porters, and social exclusion in trekking tourism in the Himalayan region. In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367466275.

Timothy, D. J. 2022. Volunteer tourism, poverty, and people on the margins: Altruism, ego-enhancement, and voyeurism in the Himalaya. In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367466275.

Timothy, D. J. and G. P. Nyaupane. 2022. Conclusion: The experience of Himalayan tourism. In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367466275.

Timothy, D. J. and G. P. Nyaupane. 2022. The Himalaya: Physiographic and cultural perspectives. In: Nyaupane, G. P. and D. J. Timothy eds., Tourism and Development in the Himalaya: Social, Environmental, and Economic Forces. Routledge. ISBN: ‎ 978-0367466275.


Collins, S. L. 2021. Network level science, social-ecological research and the LTER planning process. Pp. 403–421 In: Wade, R. B. and S. E. Kingsland eds., The Challenges of Long Term Ecological Research: A Historical Analysis. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-66932-4.

Dutta, U. 2021. Chapter 19: Communication design and co-creation of information solutions for sustainable social change at the margins. In: Melkote, S. R. and A. Singhal eds., Handbook of Communication and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 9781789906349. (link )

McAllum, K., S. Mallette, T. Rife and U. Dutta. 2021. From sitting in the classroom to facing it: Becoming and growing as a teacher. Pp. 111-124 In: Wackernagel Bach, B., D. O. Braithwaite and S. Ganesh eds., By Degrees: Resilience, Relationships. and Success in Communication Graduate Studies. Cognella. San Diego, CA. ISBN: 978-1793506764.

Senko, J. F. and M. A. Nalovic. 2021. Addressing sea turtle bycatch in developing countries: A global challenge that requires adaptive solutions for the 21st century. Pp. 151-166 In: Nahill, B. ed., Sea Turtle Research and Conservation: Lessons from Working in the Field. Elsevier Inc.. ISBN: 978-0128210291.


Aggarwal, R. M., C. Taylor and A. Berardy. 2020. Sustainable agricultural systems for cities. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Aggarwal, R. M., C. Taylor, E. G. Giraud and A. K. Opejin. 2020. Chapter 9. Sustainable food systems for cities. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies. Kendall Hunt.

Allsopp, L. 2020. Urban sustainable design. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Crow, M. M., W. B. Dabars and D. M. Anderson. 2020. Building a university where all people matter. In: Orr, D. W., A. Gumbel, B. Kitwana and W. S. Becker eds., Democracy Unchained: How to Rebuild Goverment for the People. The New Press. ISBN: 978-1620975138.

Dutta, U. 2020. Portrayal of women in hand-painted visual discourses on the streets of India. Pp. 125-142 In: Herdin, T., M. Faust and G. Chen eds., De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South. Nomos Verlagsellschaft. Baden-Baden, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8487-6577-5.

Dutta, U. and M. Ghosh. 2020. The road ahead. Pp. 563-568 In: Ghosh, M. ed., Perception, Design, and Ecology of the Built Environment: A Focus on the Global South. Springer. Cham, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-030-25878-8.

Dutta, U. and J. N. Martin. 2020. Sociological approaches to intercultural communication: exploring the ‘silent zones’. Pp. Chapter 10 In: Rings, G. and S. Rasinger eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781108429696.

Frederick, C. P. and K. Pijawka. 2020. Can we teach an education for sustainable development? Measuring the fourth "E". In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd. Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Golub, A. and J. Kelley. 2020. Sustainable transportation. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Guhathakurta, S. 2020. Examining urban sustainability through urban models. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Hagen, B. 2020. Social dimensions of sustainable neighborhood development. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Hagen, B. 2020. Understanding climate risk: Mitigation, adaptation, and resiliency. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Hagen, B. and A. Middel. 2020. What should sustainable cities look like? Programs, policies, and initiatives. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Lozinski-Veach, N. E. 2020. The art of dehuminization: Adorno's animals. Pp. 195-213 In: Truth Goodman, R. ed., Understanding Adorno, Understanding Modernism. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-1501342950.

Pasqualetti, M. J. and M. Ehlenz. 2020. Energy in the sustainable city. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Pijawka, K. and B. Hagen. 2020. Pathways to a sustainable future: A look inside. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Quay, R. 2020. Managing water and its use: The central issue for sustaining human settlements. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Redman, C. 2020. Earliest urbanism. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Ruddell, B. L., H. Gao, O. Pala, R. Rushforth and J. Sabo. 2020. Infrastructure. Pp. 259-295 In: Saundry, P. and B. L. Ruddell eds., The Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29914-9_10. ISBN: 978-3-030-29914-9. (link )

Ruddell, D. M., A. J. Brazel, W. T. Chow and A. Middel. 2020. The urban heat island effect and sustainability science. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.

Sepp, T., K. J. McGraw and M. Giraudeau. 2020. Urban sexual selection. Pp. Chapter 14 In: Szulkin, M., J. Munshi-South and A. Charmantier eds., Urban Evolutionary Biology. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780198836841. (link )

Shin, E. and E. W. Welch. 2020. Chapter 28 Korean science and technology policies. In: Moon, C. and M. J. Moon eds., Routledge Handbook of Korean Politics and Public Administration. Routledge. ISBN: 9781138959866.

Stone, M. T., G. P. Nyaupane, D. J. Timothy and L. S. Stone. 2020. Natural resources, sustainable tourism development and community livelihoods relationshops: A comparison between Botswana and the USA. Pp. 221-234 In: Stone, M. T., M. Lenao and N. Mostwete eds., Natural Resources, Tourism and Community Livelihoods in Southern Africa: Challenges of Sustainable Development. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0367254124.

Terzano, K., D. Proffitt, F. Siddiq and R. Ewing. 2020. Planning journals and topics. Pp. 46-73 In: Ewing, R. and K. Park eds., Advanced Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners. Taylor & Francis. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0367343262.

Webster, D., F. Zhang and J. Cai. 2020. China's pursuit: Smart sustainable urban environments. In: Hagen, B. and K. Pijawka eds., Sustainability for the 21st Century: Pathways, Programs, and Policies, 2nd Ed.. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9781524989415.


Adamson, J. 2019. Foreword: The Middle Place, Ziran, and Hanjing. In: Chang, C. ed., Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-18633-3.

Ashraf, M. T., A. Ines Torres, J. E. Schmidt and G. Stephanopoulos. 2019. Analysis and optimization of multi-actor biorefineries. Pp. 49-75 In: Bastidas-Oyanedel, J. and J. E. Schmidt eds., Biorefinery. Springer. Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10961-5_3. ISBN: 978-3-030-10960-8. (link )

Berardy, A. and T. P. Seager. 2019. The test of ubiquitous through real or interactional expertise (TURINEX) and veganism as expertise. Pp. 205-215 In: Caudill, D. S., S. Conley, M. E. Gorman and M. Weinel eds., The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-14334-3.

Berejnoi, E., R. Ulluwishewa, S. Cloutier, L. Gibbons, S. Puga, A. Uthumange and R. Phillips. 2019. Chapter 11. Spirituality: The missing link of sustainability and happiness as a framework for holistic development. Pp. 203-224 In: Kee, Y. and S. J. Lee eds., Perspectives on Community Well-Being. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-030-15115-7.

Brayboy, B. M. and M. Bang. 2019. Societal issues facing Indigenous education: Introduction. In: McKinley, E. A. and L. T. Smith eds., Handbook of Indigenous Education. Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-10-3898-3.

Childers, D. L., E. E. Gaiser and L. A. Ogden. 2019. Preface and introduction. In: Childers, D. L., E. E. Gaiser and L. A. Ogden eds., The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190869007.

Chin, J., B. M. Brayboy and N. Bustamante. 2019. Carceral colonialisms: Schools, prisons, and Indigenous youth in the United States. In: McKinley, E. A. and L. T. Smith eds., Handbook of Indigenous Education. Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-10-3898-3.

Crow, M. M. and W. B. Dabars. 2019. Restructuring research universities to advance interdisciplinary collaboration. Pp. 477-488 In: Hall, K. L., A. L. Vogel and R. T. Croyle eds., Strategies for Team Science Success : Handbook of Evidence-based Principles for Cross-Disciplinary Science and Practical Lessons Learned from Health Researchers. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. ISBN: 9783030209902.

de Graaff, M., N. Hornslein, H. L. Throop, P. Kardol and L. T. van Diepen. 2019. Chapter One - Effects of agricultural intensification on soil biodiversity and implications for ecosystem functioning: A meta-analysis. Pp. 1-44 In: Sparks, D. L. ed., Advances in Agronomy. Vol 155. Elsevier.

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