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Getting ready for Guatemala

Jayme Foland

Getting ready for Guatemala

By Jayme Foland

The day for our departure to Guatemala is almost here! I’m excited and a tiny bit concerned–I was one of the few people who switched to the Sustainable Neighborhoods for Happiness™ study abroad group after the Nepal program, Transitioning Urban Livelihoods, was cancelled due to the recent devastating earthquakes. For months I’ve been mentally preparing myself for an Eastern culture-shock, but now I’m not sure what to expect.

At the airport (blog #1)One of my main interests are food systems, and from what I remember from my Spanish classes in high school, major fruit companies have been taking advantage of Central and South American countries for decades. I’m interested in seeing the real-life implications of how our food purchases here in the U.S. affect growers in Guatemala. I also have a bit of a personal connection to Guatemala because I have some family members who grew up in Guatemala City; I’m especially happy that I’ll be able to share my experiences with them. I am still a little anxious, since I’m very shy, but I’m eager to make some new friends and learn as much as I can while I’m there.