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Goodbye, Tempe; Hello, Morocco and Spain!

Ashley Zafaranlou

Goodbye, Tempe; Hello, Morocco and Spain!

By Ashley Zafaranlou

This has been a week of “lasts” before I venture off to Morocco and Spain for the summer. The last time I will be able to sit with my mother and walk her through my travel itinerary step by step. The last weekend I will drag myself into work, distracted by the thought of leaving my home in Tempe. Most importantly, the last week that I can say, “No I have never been to Europe, but I hope I will one day!”

Well, that day I have been anticipating my entire life is rapidly approaching. Even after filling out various applications and buying a plane ticket, this trip still does not feel completely real. The reality of the trip will finally sink in when I exit my plane in Casa Blanca and unite with my fellow student travelers.

I have traveled outside of the U.S. before, but always with my family as my safety net. This trip is going to be an entirely different experience for me. I am the person who is always convincing other people to do the things that make them the most nervous. Taking chances is what makes life worth living, right? Now I find myself in the position of needing a little push to take this journey.

Ashley ZafaranlouI am slightly nervous about assimilating to the Moroccan culture. From what I have researched, Morocco has a very rich culture that is extremely different from the U.S. It will be an adventure taking this trip with other Arizona State University students who are all so eager to learn about sustainability abroad. Another thing that I am anxiously anticipating is trying the different foods in both Spain and Morocco! I want to try as many new things as I can.

While in Morocco, I will be researching how gender equality affects Morocco’s plan for sustainable development. Social justice is one of the main pillars of sustainability, and Islamic law in Morocco has largely affected the rights of women. Learning and researching outside of the classic classroom is going to be incredibly foreign to me, but I expect it will be educationally fulfilling.

In the next few days I will be franticly running errands and saying my goodbyes. One of my biggest dilemmas is trying to fit all my things in one suitcase! The last thing I want to do is over-pack, but at the same time I want to be prepared for anything. I even packed my suitcase and walked around my backyard to get a feel for backpacking! The best preparation is probably to expect the unexpected. Once I am in Morocco, I am sure all of my nerves will disappear. I plan on being consumed by the site-seeing and exploration! I cannot wait to learn about sustainability, culture and myself on this amazing journey.