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Sustainability and happiness

Davi Briggs

Sustainability and happiness

By Davi Briggs

During the first week of our trip to Guatemala, we visited a local business that builds high-efficiency, wood-burning stoves. These stoves produce less smoke, use less fuel and have better heat distribution than the stoves currently being used in rural communities. Most interestingly, the man who owns this business defines happiness as his ability to support poorer communities, help the environment and generate an income for his family and the families of his 14 employees. In other words, this man’s happiness requires a balanced relationship between sustainability’s three “P”s: people, planet and profits.

Perhaps this is how sustainability impacts the happiness of all people; by striving to create a balance between needs. I think the challenge with this is in recognizing how we, Americans, can start to live in a way that acknolodges that happiness is embedded in similar things. Do we really need wealth or fame or other frivolity to be happy?