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An unforgettable experience

John Dickutt Spain

An unforgettable experience

By John Dickutt

Hello again, but now from Spain. Yes, I have crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into the great country of España. Spain is so rich with culture and history it is hard to pick what to see and do here. It is the last day for us in Madrid as the study abroad program is ending tomorrow but I have been in Sevilla and Granada as well this past week.

Every city you go to in Spain has a different feel to it. Sevilla was a good city to start start off in because it is not a huge city but it is full of fun activities to do and sites to see. We saw the cathedral in the town square, ate wonderful tapas (tasty appetizers), and walked through the park to see the Plaza de España. It is crazy how old some of the buildings are here. Even after centuries upon centuries, they still look well-preserved and elegant. I wanted to stay in Sevilla longer, just like every other city I have been to so far, but at some point good things must come to an end so we set out for Granada. Granada especially was probably the most picturesque city I saw in Spain. The culture was vivid and the architecture was nothing short of exquisite. A giant castle lit up the city at night, there were slick cobblestone streets everywhere, and statues looked over the city from all angles. Though the most beautiful place I’ve seen thus far is the Al Hambre. It was an Arabic castle/palace that is is so enormous and gorgeous with intricate architecture, lush vegetation, and a perfect view of the city. I cannot imagine how cool that would have been to live there. It was just mind-boggling.

After Granada, we ended the trip in Madrid. Madrid was definitely the most artistic city we came across. I went to the Prado Museum which was the most incredible art museum I have ever seen. The paintings and sculptures were so large and had so much detail. I could have easily spent hours looking at The Garden of Earthly Delights painted by Bosch. Even though I only saw a fraction of the museum, it was still extremely memorable. The many parks and buildings in Madrid made me walk many different places. There was so much to see but we had such little time.

Anyways, we ended the trip with a five course last supper. Every time I said I was full they would put down another plate in front of me but the food was so good I just kept eating. Needless to say it was a perfect way to say our goodbyes and enjoy one last time together. I am going to miss everyone in my group and the people I have met along the way. One thing is for sure though; I now know how much I love traveling. I am already planning my next adventure but it will be hard to beat the experience I just had.