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Friends, I’m home!

Jessica Hoffman

Friends, I’m home!

By Jessica Hoffman

I have been in the United States for about a week and I do not feel completely settled in yet. At first it felt a little weird being back in a fast-paced, crowded country. The morning after I returned I treated myself to a nice breakfast at a small café in Phoenix. The entire place was packed and we felt rushed to give up our table for the next diners. After quickly finishing breakfast, I braved the busy streets to get myself home.

The whole experience felt strange and stressful after weeks of eating in empty, relaxed restaurants all over Guatemala. I miss wandering the streets of Antigua and stumbling into a new restaurant whenever we got hungry and then explore more when we were finished. In Guatemala there is also a refreshingly friendly culture; everywhere we went strangers would say hello, good morning or smile and wave. When I got home I was expecting that same type of interaction but quickly realized that people often didn’t even make eye contact with me; if anything I’ll get a head nod or a smile.

blog 5-Hoffman-group shotI realize these aspects of Guatemala are not always popular or loved by those who visit or live there. I can speak of the two experiences but there are so many differences and external factors it is impossible to really compare. One experience is not necessarily better than the other but I now can see through a brand new lens.

I am now happily getting back into the swing of this American life I live but will never forget these experiences. The big learning lessons for me were becoming more self-aware and better understanding my happiness. These social connections and interactions are so beautiful and a blessing in my life.

I am so thankful to have had this experience and for the new family that I got to come home with, love you friends!