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Taking home happiness

Jessica Hoffman in hammock

Taking home happiness

By Jessica Hoffman

We are officially on the last days of the trip. It has flown by so quickly. The last few days we have been spent working and relaxing in gorgeous Lake Atitlan. At the beginning of this trip I had no idea what to expect. I did not know anyone I was going with, any of the professors or even how sustainability and happiness are connected. I have been exposed to so much in just two weeks and have learned an incredible amount.

Having to think about happiness has been an incredibly rewarding experience. We have had the opportunity to meet and interact with a number of Guatemalans. While in Chocola and Zacapa we got to see how some of the locals live and learn about their happiness. We had fabulous, deep conversations. As I started reflecting on our trip I was struggling to pick out one experience, activity, day or even place that has been my favorite. After discussing various highlights of the trip I realized that these interactions and social connections were what I loved most and what I will remember most fondly.

Meeting locals and getting to know what creates happiness for them was truly a gift. I was able to see life through another lens and form new ideas about what makes others as well as myself happy. I understand that happiness in Guatemala does not necessarily look like what happiness looks like in the United States. But we can share some common themes. It is so important to acknowledge that we are all human beings, we all desire social connections through friends and family, we want security and good health. I believe if we look past all the other noise in life we can probably find immense happiness. The Guatemalans I have met instilled these beliefs in me and I am so thankful for it.

It is refreshing and exciting to travel great distances and meet people will similar wants and needs. I have been greatly inspired by the Guatemalans I have met these last few weeks. I know everything they have taught me will bring more happiness in to my life and hopefully to others around me.