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A Most Adventurous Summer!

Zachary Koehler

A Most Adventurous Summer!

By Zachary Koehler

Going to Morocco and Spain this summer made for the most adventurous summer I have ever had.

When I first landed in Casa Blanca, Morocco there was a second of culture shock that soon turned into excitement when I realized it was up to me to determine if I was going to worry or go with the flow. The food, the language and the overall customs were different. The experience was so unique and interesting that I just stepped back and began my observations as soon as I could.

Koehler - FlamencoI kept this mentality throughout my entire program. There was never a moment when I felt worried or scared because although I don’t look anything close to Moroccan, I worked at getting the whole experience and tried to do everything a local would do. I did everything from eating the most exotic foods to going to a Hamam, which is a public bath that is a weekly routine in to Moroccan culture.

The experience was so different than anything I have ever experienced here in the United States and one that I won’t soon forget.