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Missing Nepal


Missing Nepal

Almost every day since arriving back in the U.S., I have longed for a plate of dal bhat and a side of momos. I yearn to greet everyone with “Namaste” rather than “hello” and wear my billowy harem pants to work every day. I did not really think that reverse-culture shock was a thing until I came home and started missing Nepal like crazy. I miss walking down the non-existent sidewalks, passing by the rainbow buildings. I miss being surrounded by centuries of history and ancient legends. Most of all, I miss the people – their dedication to culture and resilient hearts that have been frightened by natural disaster cannot be forgotten.

Nepal_foodAs a global citizen I hold the responsibility to spread the word about all that I learned in Nepal. One thing that many business owners want the world to know is that despite the terrible disaster – Nepal is okay. They do not want people around the world to fear visiting their beautiful country; they want tourists and travelers to once again take part in their culture and traditions. Also, I believe Nepal hopes to inspire other countries suffering from disaster by encouraging opportunistic thinking when disaster does hit. Unexpected tragedy does not have to mean total loss and devastation. They give the opportunity to generate better and more sustainable systems and infrastructures in all social realms – individual, institutional and societal.

Nepal_Pagoda 2
I miss Nepal but now I am able to incorporate these lessons into my everyday life. I am reminded to stay present in my surroundings and be thankful for all that I am privileged to have. I am reminded to live without the intention of accumulating more material items but instead thrive on making connections with the world and the wonderful humans that cohabitate it. I am reminded to not only respect our environment, but also protect it. This experience is my stepping stone to creating viable and positive impact for our combined future.