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Microclimate measurement, HOBO stations at permanent plots

Publication date: 1994


  • Chris Martin, Arizona State University
  • Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
  • Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
  • Anthony Brazel, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University


HOBO micromet station are located at the three permanent plots, presidents house, desert botanical garden, and community services building. All stations are equiped with temperature, humidity, and PAR sensors. The station at the DBG is part of an experimental setup in which different watering regimes are tested. At the presidents house soil temperatures and moisture is measured at 3 depth. At the community services building soil temperature and moisture are measured at the same depth under a shrub, in a swale and a slope.


Temporal Coverage:

2001-01-26 to 2005-01-01

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: Stations are located close to Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-111.9406 to -111.9358
Latitude:33.464731 to 33.402169


Information Manager, Arizona State University, 
Global Institute of Sustainability,POB 875402,TEMPE

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (4) :

Tabular: micromet_stations_1.csv

Description: Description of the location of the stations

Column Description Type Units
station_id station ID
station_name station name
description station description

Tabular: micromet_ph_1.csv

Description: Micromet station data at the ASU President's House

Column Description Type Units
ph_id internal primary key
station_id station number
year_rtm the year A.D. that sample was taken
day_rtm Time of sample rendered as Julian date
hour_minute_rtm Time of sample rendered as Julian hour
sampdate Date of sample rendered as standard calendar date
datetime Format: MM/DD/YYYY
samptime date and time smaple was taken
datetime Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:00:00 (AM or PM)
tref_avg average reference temperature
float celsius
airtemp_avg average air temperature
float celsius
rh_avg Average Relative Humidity
float dimensionless
es_avg average saturation pressure of the air
float kilopascal
vpa_avg average vapor pressure of the air
float kilopascal
vpd_avg average vapor pressure deficit
float kilopascal
par_avg average photosynthetically active radiation
float micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond
wind_avg average wind speed
float metersPerSecond
battery_avg average battery voltage
float volt
rain_avg average rain fall
float millimeter
netrad_avg average net radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
temps_1_avg average soil temperature; 0 cm
float celsius
temps_2_avg average soil temperature; 100 cm depth
float celsius
temps_3_avg average soil temperature; 30 cm depth
float celsius
wet1_avg average % soil moisture at 30 centimeter depth
float dimensionless
wet2_avg average percent soil moisture at 100 centimeter depth
float dimensionless

Tabular: micromet_tcs_1.csv

Description: Micromet station data at Tempe Community Services Building

Column Description Type Units
tcs_id internal primary key
station_id station number
year_rtm the year A.D. that sample was taken
day_rtm Time of sample rendered as Julian date
hour_minute_rtm Time of sample rendered as Julian hour
sampdate Date of sample rendered as standard calendar date
datetime Format: MM/DD/YYYY
samptime date and time sampel was taken
datetime Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:00:00 (AM or PM)
tref_avg average reference temperature
float celsius
airtemp_avg average air temperature
float celsius
rh_avg Average Relative Humidity
float dimensionless
es_avg average saturation pressure of the air
float kilopascal
vpa_avg average vapor pressure of the air
float kilopascal
vpd_avg average vapor pressure deficit
float kilopascal
par_avg Average Photosynthetically Active Radiation
float micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond
wind_avg average wind speed
float metersPerSecond
rain_avg average rain fall
float millimeter
netrad_avg average net radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
temp_1_avg average soil temperature at 30 cm depth on a slight slope
float celsius
temp_2_avg average soil temperature at 30 cm depth in a slight swale
float celsius
temp_3_avg average soil temperature at 30 cm depth under a Larrea tridentata bush
float celsius
battery_avg average battery voltage
float volt
wet_1_avg average relative soil moisture at 30 cm depth
float dimensionless
wet_2_avg average relative soil moisture at 30 cm depth
float dimensionless
wet_3_avg average relative soil moisture at 30 cm depth
float dimensionless

Tabular: micromet_dbg_1.csv

Description: Micromet station data at Desert Botanical Garden

Column Description Type Units
dbg_id Internal primary key
station_id Three letter code identifying the sensor station
year_rtm the year A.D. that sample was taken
day_rtm Time of sample rendered as Julian date
hour_minute_rtm Time of sample rendered as Julian hour
sampdate Date of sample rendered as standard calendar date
datetime Format: MM/DD/YYYY
samptime time of day sample was taken
datetime Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:00:00 (AM or PM)
tref_avg average reference temperature
float celsius
airtemp_avg average air temperature
float celsius
rh_avg average relative humidity percent
float dimensionless
es_avg average saturation vapor pressure of the air
float kilopascal
vpa_avg average vapor pressure of the air
float kilopascal
vpd_avg average vapor pressure deficit
float kilopascal
par_avg Average Photosynthetically Active Radiation
float micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond
wind_avg average wind speed
float metersPerSecond
rain_tot total rain fall
float millimeter
netradiation net radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
battery_avg average battery voltage
float volt
STun30cm soil temp in 30 cm depth unwatered open
float celsius
STlow30cm soil temp in 30 centimeter depth low watering regime open
float celsius
SThigh30cm soil temp in 30 centimeter depth high watering regime open
float celsius
LT1 Leaf Temperature
float celsius
LT2 Leaf Temperature
float celsius
SMhighTree1 % soil moisture under tree in high watering regime at 30 centimeters depth
float dimensionless
SMhighShrub1 % soil moisture under shrub in high watering regime at 30 centimeters depth
float dimensionless
SMlowTree1 % soil moisture under tree in low watering regime at 30 centimeters depth
float dimensionless
SMlowShrub1 % soil moisture under shrub in low watering regime at 30 centimeters depth
float dimensionless
SMun % soil moisture not watered open at 30 centimeters depth
float dimensionless
STlowShrub70cm soil temperature for shrub at 70 centimeters depth low watering regime
float celsius
SThighTree70cm soil temperature for tree at 70 centimeter depth, high watering regime
float celsius
STlowTree70cm soil temperature for tree at 70 centimeters depth, low watering regime
float celsius
SThighShrub70cm soil temperature for shrub at 70 centimeters depth, low watering regime
float celsius
SMlowShrub70cm % soil moisture for shrub at 70 centimeters depth, low watering regime
float dimensionless
SMlowTree70cm Percent soil moisture for tree at 70 centimeters depth, low watering regime
float dimensionless
SMhighTree70cm Percent soil moisture for tree at 70 centimeters depth, high watering regime
float dimensionless
SMhighShrub70cm Percent soil moisture for shrub at 70 centimeters depth, high watering regime
float dimensionless
STsurface1 surface temperature; first measurement
float celsius
STsurface2 surface temperature; secand measurement
float celsius
STlow5cm soil temperature at 5 centimeter, low watering regime
float celsius
SThigh5cm soil temperature at 5 centimeter, high watering regime
float celsius
STTree5cm soil temperature at 5 centimeter under tree
float celsius
STTree30cm soil temperature at 30 centimeter under tree
float celsius
STun5cm soil temperature at 5 centimeter, no water
float celsius
SMhighTree2 % soil moisture for tree;high watering regime; under tree
float dimensionless
SMlowTree2 Percent soil moisture for tree; low watering regime; under tree
float dimensionless
SMhighShrub2 Percent soil moisture for shrub; high watering regime; under shrub
float dimensionless
SMlowShrub2 Percent soil moisture for shrub; low watering regime; under shrub
float dimensionless

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