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Managing Your Project Data and Metadata

Informatics Support

The CAP LTER Information Manager is available to provide tools and support for CAP LTER researchers throughout the life of the research project, and beyond. Support includes assistance with data collection methods, database design, data storage, data documentation, and data publishing.


Data Use Policies

A dataset is considered to consist of data resulting from a single research project. A dataset is considered to be incomplete without accompanying documentation (metadata) that provides all information necessary to evaluate the quality of the data and to make use of it in future research activities. Publication of a dataset is to make it available to the broader research community.


Submitting Your Data for Publication

All data submitted for publication need to be properly documented and should be supplied with metadata. These “data about the data” are necessary for a third party to be able to make use of any published dataset. Without sufficient metadata our datasets cannot be made available to the wider scientific community.