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Eddy covariance data measured at the CAP LTER flux tower located in the west Phoenix, AZ neighborhood of Maryvale from 2011-12-16 through 2012-12-31

Publication date: 2017-03-13


  • Winston Chow, National University of Singapore


The CAP LTER maintains a flux tower to facilitate neighborhood-scale investigations of atmospheric processes in a Phoenix, AZ suburb. Capitalizing on comprehensive measurements of energy (heat and radiation) and matter (water and carbon dioxide) exchanges between the atmosphere and the urban surface, this project adds significantly to research investigating how urbanization affects local weather, climate, and air quality. An antenna-mounted array of sophisticated sensors measuring temperature, humidity, and wind speed and direction at high temporal resolutions facilitates the calculation of energy and material fluxes. The residential setting where the tower is positioned was selected on account of the homogeneous building design (single-story, single-family, detached dwellings) representative of many neighborhoods throughout the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. To avoid the influence of localized turbulence and material fluxes created by anomalous surface objects, the antenna extends vertically approximately 75 ft to sample neighborhood-scale fluxes. This dataset contains 30-minute post-processed eddy covariance data measured at the CAP LTER tower located in the west Phoenix neighborhood of Maryvale from Dec 16 2011 to Dec 31 2012.


Temporal Coverage:

2011-12-16 to 2012-12-31

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-112.1426 to -112.1426
Latitude:33.4838 to 33.4838


Data Manager, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 
PO Box 875402,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (1) :

Tabular: 591_fluxtower_data_a16dafefa6836b419580f353b76bc2a0.csv

Description: This dataset contains 30-min post-processed eddy covariance data measured at the the CAP LTER flux tower located in the west Phoenix, AZ neighborhood of Maryvale from 2011-12-16 through 2012-12-31

Column Description Type Units
TIMESTAMP Logger timestamp
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Day of Year Day of year
date Format: DDD
Local Time Local time at site in hours
date Format: HH:MM
Local Apparent Time Local apparent time, typically ~0.5 hour behind local time for Phoenix
date Format: HH:MM
K_inc incoming shortwave radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
K_out outgoing shortwave radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
L_inc incoming longwave radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
L_out outgoing longwave radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
albedo albedo at site
float dimensionless
Q*_corr all-wave net radiation
float wattPerMeterSquared
Hc_c Sensible heat flux (corrected)
float wattPerMeterSquared
LE_wpl_c Latent heat flux (corrected)
float wattPerMeterSquared
Residual_c Residual (Q* - (Hc+LE_wpl)
float wattPerMeterSquared
wnd_dir_compass wind direction (compass) corrected for azimuth
float degree
wnd_dir_csat3 wind direction with reference to CSAT field of view
float degree
wnd_spd mean wind speed
float metersPerSecond
rslt_wnd_spd mean resultant windspeed over the 30 min block average (i.e. resultant vector from mean N-S and E-W winds)
float metersPerSecond
Ts_mean virtual CSAT temperature
float celsius
t_hmp_mean air temperature from HMP45
float celsius
h2o_hmp_mean vapor density from HMP45
float gramPerMeterCubed
h2o_Avg vapor density from LI7500
float gramPerMeterCubed
rho_a_mean mean air density
float kilogramPerCubicMeter
tau momentum flux
float pascal
u_star Friction velocity
float metersPerSecond
Ux_Avg mean E-W wind speed
float metersPerSecond
stdev_Ux sigma Ux for 30 min blocks
float metersPerSecond
Uy_Avg mean N-S wind speed
float metersPerSecond
stdev_Uy sigma Uy for 30 min blocks
float metersPerSecond
Uz_Avg mean vertical wind speed
float metersPerSecond
stdev_Uz sigma Uz for 30 min blocks
float metersPerSecond
e_hmp mean vapor pressure
float hectopascal
e_s saturation vapor pressure
float hectopascal
RH mean relative humidity
float dimensionless
VPD vapor pressure deficit
float hectopascal
co2_mean mean carbon dioxide
float milligramsPerCubicMeter
press_mean mean air pressure
float kilopascal
co2_mean_ppm mean carbon dioxide
float milligramsPerLiter
co2_wpl_LE Carbon dioxide flux (LI-7500), Webb et al. term due to latent heat flux
float milligramsPerMeterSquaredPerSecond
co2_wpl_H Carbon dioxide flux (LI-7500), Webb et al. term due to sensible heat flux
float milligramsPerMeterSquaredPerSecond
Fc_wpl Carbon dioxide flux (LI-7500), with Webb et al. term
float milligramsPerMeterSquaredPerSecond
Rain precipitation on-site
float millimeter
VW_Avg Volumetric water content fraction 5cm
float dimensionless
VW_2_Avg Volumetric water content fraction 15cm
float dimensionless
VW_3_Avg Volumetric water content fraction 30cm
float dimensionless
Temp_C_Avg Soil Temperature 2cm
float celsius
Temp_C_2_Avg Soil Temperature 5cm
float celsius
Temp_C_3_Avg Soil Temperature 15cm
float celsius
Temp_C_4_Avg Soil Temperature 30cm
float celsius
float celsius
shf_Avg Soil Heat Flux plate (2cm under gravel mulch)
float wattPerMeterSquared
shf_2_Avg Soil Heat Flux plate (2 cm under sandy soil)
float wattPerMeterSquared
weather binary indicator for weather; "1" means cloud cover <25000ft as observed at Sky harbor ASOS station
  • 0: lack of cloud cover <25000ft as observed at Sky harbor ASOS station
  • 1: presence of cloud cover <25000ft as observed at Sky harbor ASOS station

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