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Morphological and nutritional characteristics of Gambel's Quail, Callipepla gambelii, in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona (July-September 2015)

Publication date: 2020-05-26


  • Alexander Funk, Arizona State University
  • Karen Sweazea, Arizona State University


Gambel's Quail, Callipepla gambelii, are gregarious birds commonly found in the southwestern deserts of the United States and Northwestern Mexico. With expanding urbanization, these birds are often found in exurban and suburban areas where they have access to food sources that may differ from those used by birds living in rural-urban fringes. To investigate this question, we compared the morphology and nutritional physiology of quail sampled at sites varying with respect to land use and cover. We hypothesized that quail living in urbanized areas have access to a greater variety of food sources and to more stable food resources, and so are in better body condition, than quail residing in less urbanized areas. We sampled birds at locations in the Phoenix, Arizona (USA) area, that vary with respect to land use and cover types. Birds were weighed and we measured their body length and chest circumference. A blood sample was collected from the jugular vein of each individual for analysis of plasma glucose, total proteins, triglycerides, and free glycerol using commercially available kits. Consistent with our hypothesis, birds living in more urbanized environments were longer, and they had larger chest circumferences and greater circulating triglyceride concentrations than birds living in less developed areas, suggesting greater access to lipid-rich foods. In addition, the abundance of grass at the sampling sites was associated positively with plasma protein concentrations but negatively with plasma free glycerol levels. Areas with more grass may provide birds with less dietary fats than the diet of urban birds, resulting in the breakdown of triglycerides into free glycerol. These findings are the first to demonstrate an association between urbanization and the morphology and nutritional physiology of Gambel's Quail.


Temporal Coverage:

2015-07-01 to 2015-09-30

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-112.4614 to -112.3932
Latitude:33.6295 to 33.5172


Information Manager, Central Arizona–Phoenix LTER, 
Arizona State University,Global Institute of Sustainability,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (2) :

Tabular: 683_morphology_nutrition_e592f9f8b6f9d0e1e84affa63f149758.csv

Description: Air and substrate temperature, and morphological and nutritional physiology measurements of Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii) at sampling sites in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area (July-September 2015)

Column Description Type Units
site sampling location identifier
  • 1: sampling location id 1
  • 2: sampling location id 2
  • 3: sampling location id 3
  • 4: sampling location id 4
  • 5: sampling location id 5
  • 6: sampling location id 6
  • 7: sampling location id 7
Animal study animal identifier
  • 2: study animal id 2
  • 3: study animal id 3
  • 4: study animal id 4
  • 5: study animal id 5
  • 6: study animal id 6
  • 7: study animal id 7
  • 8: study animal id 8
  • 9: study animal id 9
  • 10: study animal id 10
  • 11: study animal id 11
  • 189: study animal id 189
  • 190: study animal id 198
  • 191: study animal id 190
  • 192: study animal id 192
  • 193: study animal id 193
  • 194: study animal id 194
  • 195: study animal id 195
  • 196: study animal id 193
  • 197: study animal id 197
  • 198: study animal id 198
  • 199: study animal id 199
  • 200: study animal id 200
Air Temp air temperature measured at time of collection
float celsius
Body Length animal body length
float centimeter
Chest Circum animal chest circumference
float centimeter
Animal Temp animal temperature
float celsius
Substrate Temp substrate temperature measured at time of collection
float celsius
Body Mass animal body mass
float gram
Free Glycerol animal plasma free glycerol
float milligramPerMilliliter
TG animal plasma triglycerides
float milligramPerMilliliter
Protein animal plasma total protein
float milligramPerMilliliter
Glucose animal plasma glucose
float milligramPerMilliliter

Tabular: 683_sampling_location_beb5ca1e28c742d7a89c9752ba2e9e62.csv

Description: textual_description

Column Description Type Units
site sampling location identifier
  • 1: sampling location id 1
  • 2: sampling location id 2
  • 3: sampling location id 3
  • 4: sampling location id 4
  • 5: sampling location id 5
  • 6: sampling location id 6
  • 7: sampling location id 7
latitude latitude of sampling location
float degree
longitude longitude of sampling location
float degree
ActiveCropland number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Building number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Grass number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
InactiveCropland number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Lake number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Road number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Shrub number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Soil number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
SwimmingPool number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
Tree number of pixels of this land use, land cover type in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float number
meanLST Land Surface Temperature (LST) calculated from Landsat 8 imagery (30-m resolution) from summer 2015 (2015-08-27) in a 1-kilomter radius area around the sampling location
float celsius

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