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Aaron Flores

Aaron Flores

Assistant Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Arizona State University
PO Box 875302
Tempe, AZ 85287-5302


  • Assistant Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Aaron Flores is a human-environmental geographer and specializes in environmental justice, social vulnerability, and health disparities in the context of hazards and disasters, particularly focusing on flooding and extreme heat. His research has unveiled significant insights into the disproportionate impacts of flooding on marginalized communities. Dr. Flores has been at the forefront of various research projects and authored numerous peer-reviewed publications. His work has contributed to understanding the social vulnerability and environmental justice dimensions of events such as Hurricane Harvey, shedding light on the unequal impacts these disasters have on different segments of society. Beyond his research, Dr. Flores is deeply committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within academia. He has taken an active role in mentoring undergraduate students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, fostering their growth and success. His dedication to these causes extends to his vision of developing courses in hazards/disasters, environmental justice, and GIS applications, aimed at equipping students with the tools to address pressing societal challenges. Dr. Flores continuously seeks to advance collaborative, interdisciplinary research that tackles environmental injustices. His multifaceted approach, combining cutting-edge research methods and a commitment to mentoring, exemplifies his dedication to creating a more just and resilient future.


  • PhD, Geography, University of Utah, 2022
  • MS, Geosciences, Texas Tech University, 2018
  • BA, Geosciences, Texas Tech University, 2015