Risks and Opportunities: Can We Improve Water Quality and Reduce Catastrophic Flooding in the Cape Fear River Watershed, North Carolina Under Ongoing Climate Change?
Danica Schaffer-Smith
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes
Danica is a current NatureNet Science Fellow examining the use of nature-based strategies to address nutrient pollution and flooding in eastern North Carolina using remote sensing and watershed modelling methods, in collaboration with the Nature Conservancy North Carolina.
The Cape Fear River Watershed has been visited by three 500-year storms within two years, exacerbating water quality issues associated with recent rapid urbanization and intensified agriculture.
This presentation is part of the CEE 591: Graduate Hydrosystems Seminar. Danica will be visiting ASU from January 14-25, 2019. Please contact her directly at d.schaffer-smith@tnc.org if you would like to schedule a meeting. Questions? Contact Enrique Vivoni.
12:15 - 1:15 p.m.