Entering the Thought Leadership Sphere
Dr. Edward Saltzberg
- Founder and President of ERS Advisors
Educational webinars can be an effective way to cement thought leadership in research and program areas, expand your technical network, influence the context for national science and technology policy priorities, position yourself for funding and increase enrollment.
Formed in late 2009, the Security and Sustainability Forum (SSF) is a public interest educational organization that convenes global experts in free online events to address the threats to society from climate change and other disruptions to natural systems.
In this one-hour seminar, Dr. Edward Saltzberg, Managing Director of the Security and Sustainability Form, will discuss how he has used digital media to attract a global following of over 10,000 sustainability professionals. He will also explain the research forums he is developing with LightWorks and the Security and Defense Systems Initiative and the online sustainability educational programs he will be developing with the School of Sustainability, as well as ideas for other initiatives using online collaboration and convening methods.
Can't attend, but want to be a part of the conversation? Join us online at https://connect.asu.edu/thoughtleadership/. Simply log in with your Adobe Connect information or log in as a guest.
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.