The Renewable Energy Transition in Germany
Kathrin Goldammer
- Managing Director, Reiner Lemoine Institute
The Federal Republic of Germany has drastically transformed its energy system over the last 20 years. From a lignite and hard coal-producing nuclear energy country, Germany now holds a renewable energy portfolio of around 100 Gigawatts of wind and solar PV. The talk explores the drivers for this transformation and discusses the renewable energy technology that was used and looks at how it was integrated into the power grid. The talk also sheds a light on the current debate in Germany with respect to the Paris climate goals and the ambitious target to phase out nuclear power until 2022 and reach at least 80% renewable energy in the electricity sector by 2050.
Kathrin Goldammer is an energy market and technology expert with a special interest in renewable energy policy and transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge generation. Goldammer is the managing director at the Reiner Lemoine Institute, RLI, is an independent non-profit research institute based in Berlin, Germany, which is dedicated to applied research for the long-term transition of the energy system towards 100% renewable energy.
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.