Free Film Screening:
Sonic Sea
Oceans are a sonic symphony. The ability for sound to travel through the vast expanse of the sea is essential to the survival and prosperity of marine life; but man-made ocean noise is threatening this fragile world. The film Sonic Sea is about protecting the essential life in our waters from the destructive effects of oceanic noise pollution.
Aireona Raschke, a PhD Biology and Society student will be leading our Q&A discussion. Her PhD dissertation is focused on tourism development in the Caribbean, and its effect on native cetacean species and local communities. Specifically, she is looking at quantifying the economic benefits of whale watching to Caribbean people, and examining the potential connection between whale watching and local support for cetacean conservation in the region.
View the trailer and learn more about the film.
Free parking at the City Hall Parking Garage.
Validate your ticket at the concession stand.
Doors open 6:30 p.m.
Film begins at 7:00 p.m.