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Allain Barnett

Allain Barnett

Postdoctoral Fellow, Emeritus, Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network, Florida International University


  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Emeritus, Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network, Florida International University


Dr. Allain Barnett is working at FIU's Institute for Water and Environment, and the School of International and Public Affairs, as a post-doctoral researcher to work with the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County to study green infrastructure initiatives and the social, environmental, and technological factors that contribute to resilience and vulnerability to extremes in the city. Dr. Barnett has a diverse research experience, including research in aquatic community ecology as a Master’s Student, ethnographic research of lobster fishing communities in Nova Scotia during his PhD at Arizona State University, collaborative research on common-pool resources and institutional analysis, and marine debris mapping and recovery projects as a post-doc at University of New Brunswick. He plans to continue to examine the various ways that humans engage in collective action to adapt their social and physical infrastructures to environmental and economic change.

Journal Articles


Cox, S., K. Grove and A. Barnett. 2022. Design-driven resilience and the limits of geographic critique. The Geographical Journal 188(2):294-308. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12437. (link )


Munoz-Erickson, T. A., S. A. Meerow, R. J. Hobbins, E. M. Cook, D. M. Iwaniec, M. Berbés-Blázquez, N. B. Grimm, A. Barnett, J. Cordero, C. Gim, T. R. Miller, F. Tandazo Bustamante and A. Robles-Morua. 2021. Beyond bouncing back? Comparing and contesting urban resilience frames in US and Latin American contexts. Landscape and Urban Planning 214:104173. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104173. (link )


Grove, K., A. Barnett and S. Cox. 2020. Designing justice? Race and the limits of recognition in greater Miami resilience planning. GEOFORUM 117(Dec):134-143. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.09.014. (link )

Grove, K., S. Cox and A. Barnett. 2020. Racializing Resilience: Assemblage, Critique and Contested Futures in Greater Miami Resilience Planning. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110(5):1613-1630. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1715778. (link )


Baggio, J. A., A. J. Barnett, I. Perez-Ibarra, U. Brady, E. Ratajczyk, N. Rollins, C. Rubinos, H. C. Shin, D. J. Yu, R. Aggarwal, J. M. Anderies and M. A. Janssen. 2016. Explaining success and failure in the commons: the configural nature of Ostrom's institutional design principles. International Journal of the Commons 10(2):417-419. DOI: 10.18352/ijc.634. (link )

Barnett, A. J., J. A. Baggio, H. C. Shin, D. J. Yu, I. Perez-Ibarra, C. Rubinos, U. Brady, E. Ratajczyk, N. Rollins, R. Aggarwal, J. M. Anderies and M. A. Janssen. 2016. An iterative approach to case study analysis: insights from qualitative analysis of quantitative inconsistencies. International Journal of the Commons 10(2):467-494. DOI: 10.18352/ijc.632. (link )

Ratajczyk, E., U. Brady, J. A. Baggio, A. Barnett, I. Perez-Ibarra, N. Rollins, C. Rubinos, H. C. Shin, D. J. Yu, R. Aggarwal, J. M. Anderies and M. A. Janssen. 2016. Challenges and opportunities in coding the commons: problems, procedures, and potential solutions in large-N comparative case studies. International Journal of the Commons 10(2):440-466. DOI: 10.18352/ijc.652. (link )


Barnett, A. and H. Eakin. 2015. "We and us, not I and me": Justice, social capital, and household vulnerability in a Nova Scotia fishery. Applied Geography 59(May):1077-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.11.005. (link )


Barnett, A. J. and J. M. Anderies. 2014. Weak feedbacks, governance mismatches, and the robustness of socialecological systems: an analysis of the Southwest Nova Scotia lobster fishery with comparison to Maine. Ecology and Society 19(4):Art. 39. DOI: 10.5751/ES-06714-190439. (link )



Barnett, A., E. Jensen and P. Terek. 2009. Demographic factors influencing water quality perceptions and bottled water consumption. Tempe, AZ. Poster presented at 11th Annual Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) Poster Symposium, January 15, 2009, Global Institute of Sustainability. (link )



Barnett, A., K. Grove and R. Roy Chowdhury. 2019. Defining resilience in Miami-Dade County: Social, ecological, and technological visions of resilience to sea level rise and extreme events. Presentation at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 3-7, 2019, Washington, DC. (link )

Roy Chowdhury, R., H. Westerkam, C. Hauck and A. Barnett. 2019. A participatory approach to factor weightings in multi-criteria evaluation for flood vulnerability across Miami-Dade County. Presentation at the UREX SRN Miami Scenarios Workshop, April 12, 2019, Miami, FL.


Barnett, A., R. Roy Chowdhury, G. Hydrick, E. Gaiser, J. Kominoski and M. Smith. 2018. Infrastructures and action situations: Converging ideas in science and technological studies and institutional analysis to study urban resilience to climate extremes. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, April 10-14, 2018, New Orleans, LA. (link )

Roy Chowdhury, R., G. Hydrick, C. Cheng, A. Barnett, D. P. Eisenman, J. Santos-Hernández and V. Shandas. 2018. A conceptual framework for urban vulnerability analysis in sustainability science: Integrating socio-ecological-technological systems. Presentation at the Annual , April 10-14, 2018, New Orleans, LA. (link )


Anderies, J. M., H. Eakin, M. A. Janssen, C. Redman, A. Barnett, J. Baggio, S. B. BurnSilver, D. Manuel-Navarrete, M. Schoon and S. van der Leeuw. 2014. Resilience thinking in an urbanizing world. Presentation at the Resilience 2014 Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation, 4-8 May 2014, Le Corum, Montpellier, France. (link )