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Andrew Inkpen

Andrew Inkpen

J. Kenneth and Jeanette Seward Chair in Global Strategy and Director Thunderbird Case Series, Thunderbird School of Global Management


Thunderbird School of Global Management
Arizona State University
1 Global Place
Glendale, AZ 85306-3216


  • Senior Global Futures Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
  • J. Kenneth and Jeanette Seward Chair in Global Strategy and Director Thunderbird Case Series, Thunderbird School of Global Management


Dr. Andrew C. Inkpen is professor of management and the J. Kenneth and Jeanette Seward Chair in Global Strategy at Thunderbird. His research focuses on global strategy, the management of multinational firms, and the management of strategic alliances and international joint ventures. In recent years he has been focused on the global energy industry.

Dr. Inkpen has published his research in various journals including Academy of Management Review, California Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, Organizational Dynamics, Organization Science, Decision Sciences, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, and European Management Journal. He is actively involved in teaching case development and has written more than 40 cases. He is on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of Trust Research, and Management and Organization Review.

He teaches various courses including Competitive Strategy, Corporate Strategy, and the Global Energy Industry. He is actively involved in executive education programs and has been academic director on programs for various firms including ExxonMobil, RasGas, CEMEX, Ericsson, Teleflex, Volvo Penta, Brunswick, DENSO, and Cisco Systems. He has taught in programs developed for other firms including Alcatel, Alticor, Apache, Baker Hughes, BP, Pfizer, Caremark, Dow AgroScience, General Motors, Goodyear, Honeywell, Integra, LG Electronics, Mattel, McDonald’s, Pharmacia & Upjohn, Phelps Dodge, Raytheon, SABIC, Solar Turbines, Textron, TRW, Vitro, and Warner-Lambert.

He is a co-author of The Global Oil and Gas Industry: Management, Strategy, and Finance (Pennwell). He is the author of a book examining automotive supplier alliances titled The Management of International Joint Ventures: An Organizational Learning Approach (Routledge) and a book on global strategy called Global Strategy: Value Creation and Advantage in the International Arena (Oxford).

Andrew has a Bachelor of Commerce from St. Mary’s University and was a Chartered Accountant in Canada. He earned an MBA and PhD from the Ivey School, University of Western Ontario. He has taught at the National University of Singapore, Ivey School, Temple University, and Nanyang Technological University.


  • PhD, Ivey Business School, Western University, 1992
  • MBA, Ivey Business School, 1984
  • Chartered Accountant, Canada, 1980
  • Bachelor of Commerce, St. Mary's University, 1978


Journal Articles


Inkpen, A. C. and E. W. Tsang. 2016. Reflections on the 2105 Decade Award -- Social Capital, Networks, and Knowledge Transfer: An Emergent Stream of Research. Academy of Management 41(4):573-588. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2016.0140. (link )


Cuervo-Cazurra, A., A. Inkpen, A. Musacchio and K. Ramaswamy. 2014. Governments as owners: State-owned multinational companies. Journal of International Business Studies 45(8):919=942. DOI: 10.1057/jibs.2014.43. (link )


Bachmann, R. and A. C. Inkpen. 2011. Understanding institutional-based trust building processes in interorganizational relationships. Organization Studies 32(2):281-301. DOI: 10.1177/0170840610397477. (link )


Treviño, L. J., F. G. Mixon Jr, C. A. Funk and A. C. Inkpen. 2010. A perspective on the state of the field: International business publications in the elite journals as a measure of institutional and faculty productivity. International Business Review 19(4):378-387. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2010.02.004. (link )


Bowan, D. E. and A. C. Inkpen. 2009. Exploring the role of “global mindset” in leading change in international contexts. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 45(2):239-260. DOI: 10.1177/0021886309334149. (link )

Dinur, A., R. D. Hamilton III and A. C. Inkpen. 2009. Critical context and international intrafirm best-practice transfers. Journal of International Management 15(4):432-446. DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2008.07.003. (link )


Ang, S. and A. C. Inkpen. 2008. Cultural intelligence and offshore outsourcing success: A framework of firm-level intercultural capability. Decision Sciences 39(3):337-358. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2008.00195.x. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 2008. Managing knowledge transfer in international alliances. Thunderbird International Business Review 50(2):77-90. DOI: 10.1002/tie.20180. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. 2007. Knowledge transfer and international joint ventures: The case of NUMMI and General Motors. Strategic Management Journal 29(4):447-453. DOI: 10.1002/smj.663 . (link )

Inkpen, A. and K. Ramaswamy. 2007. End of the multinational: Emerging markets redraw the picture. Journal of Business Strategy 28(5):4-12. DOI: 10.1108/02756660710820776. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and E. W. Tsang. 2007. Learning and strategic alliances. The Academy of Management Annals 1(1):479-511. DOI: 10.1080/078559815. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. and W. Pien. 2006. An examination of collaboration and knowledge transfer: China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park. Journal of Management Studies 43(4):779-811. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2006.00611.x. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. 2005. Learning through alliances: General Motors and NUMMI. California Management Review 47(4):114-136. DOI: 10.2307/41166319. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and E. W. Tsang. 2005. Social capital, networks, and knowledge transfer. The Academy of Management Review 30(1):146-165. DOI: 10.2307/20159100. (link )

Kim, C. and A. C. Inkpen. 2005. Cross-border R&D alliances, absorptive capacity and technology learning. Journal of International Management 11(3):313-329. DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2005.06.002. (link )


Delios, A., A. C. Inkpen and J. Ross. 2004. Escalation in international strategic alliances. MIR: Management Internaional Review 44(4):457-479. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and S. C. Currall. 2004. The coevolution of trust, control, and learning in joint ventures. Organization Science 15(5):586-599. DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1040.0079. (link )

Sundaram, A. K. and A. C. Inkpen. 2004. Stakeholder theory and "The Corporate Objective Revisisted": A reply. Organization Science 15(3):370-371. DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1040.0067. (link )

Sundaram, A. K. and A. C. Inkpen. 2004. The corporate objective revisited. Organization Science 15(3):350-363. DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1040.0068. (link )


Currall, S. C. and A. C. Inkpen. 2002. A multilevel approach to trust in joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies 33(3):479-495. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 2002. Book Review: From the prune capital of America to Silicon Valley: Knowledge flows, networks, and innovation. Thunderbird International Business Review 44(4):557-563. DOI: 10.1002/tie.10031. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. 2001. A note on ranking the international business journals. Journal of International Business Studies 32(1):193-196. DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490946. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 2001. Managing balance in career and life: An interview with champion triathlete Scott Tinley. Journal of Management Inquiry 10(1):76-81. DOI: 10.1177/1056492601101010. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and J. Ross. 2001. Why do some strategic alliances persist beyond their useful life?. California Management Review 44(1):132-148. DOI: 10.2307/41166114. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. 2000. A note on the dynamics of learning alliances: Compeition, cooperation, and relative scope. Strategic Management Journal 21(7):775-779. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 2000. Learning through joint ventures: A framework of knowledge acquisition. Journal of Management Studies 37(7):1019-1044. DOI: 10.1111/1467-6486.00215. (link )

Inkpen, A. C., A. K. Sundaram and K. Rockwood. 2000. Cross-border acquisitions of U.S. technology assets. California Management Review 47(3):50-71. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. 1999. Global One. Thunderbird International Business Review 41(3):337-353. DOI: 10.1002/tie.4270410309. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and K. Li. 1999. Joint venture formation: Planning and knowledge gathering for success. Organizational Dynamics 27(4):33-47. DOI: 10.1016/S0090-2616(99)90028-1. (link )


Beamish, P. W. and A. C. Inkpen. 1998. Japanese firms and the decline of the Japanese expatriate. Journal of World Business 33(1):35-50. DOI: 10.1016/S1090-9516(98)80003-5. (link )

Beldona, S., A. C. Inkpen and A. Phatak. 1998. Are Japanese managers more long-term oriented than United States managers?. MIR: Management International Review 38(3):239-256. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 1998. Learning and knowledge acquisition through international strategic alliances. The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005) 12(4):69-80. (link )

Inkpen, A. 1998. Learning, knowledge acquisition, and strategic alliances. European Management Journal 16(2):223-229. DOI: 10.1016/S0263-2373(97)00090-X. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 1998. Learning, knowledge acquisition, and strategic alliances. European Management Journal 18(2):223-229. DOI: 10.1016/S0263-2373(97)00090-X. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and S. C. Currall. 1998. The nature, antecedents and consequences of joint venture trust. Journal of International Management 4(1):1-20. DOI: 10.1016/S1075-4253(98)00004-0. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and A. Dinur. 1998. Knowledge management processes and international joint ventures. Organization Science 9(4):454-468. DOI: 10.1287/orsc.9.4.454. (link )


Beldona, S., R. Chaganti, M. M. Hahib and A. C. Inkpen. 1997. Industry variety and performance: A dynamic perspective. Competitive Intelligence Review 8(4):65-74. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6386(199724)8:4<65::AID-CIR10>3.0.CO;2-8. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and P. W. Beamish. 1997. Knowledge, bargaining power, and the instability of international joint ventures. The Academy of Management Review 22(1):177-202. DOI: 10.2307/259228. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. 1996. Creating knowledge through collaboration. California Management Review 39(1):123-140. DOI: 10.2307/41165879. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 1996. The seeking of strategy where it is not: Towards a theory of strategy absence: A reply. Strategic Management 17(8):669-670. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199610)17:8<669::AID-SMJ822>3.0.CO;2-1. (link )

Joshi, M. P. and A. C. Inkpen. 1996. Cooperation in a competitive world: A framework of global strategic alliances. Competitive Intelligence Review 7(2):46-55. DOI: 10.1002/cir.3880070208 . (link )


Beamish, P. W. and A. C. Inkpen. 1995. Keeping international joint ventures stable and profitable. Long Range Planning 28(3):2-3, 26-36. DOI: 10.1016/0024-6301(95)00018-E. (link )

Crossan, M. M. and A. C. Inkpen. 1995. The subtle art of learning through alliances. Business Quarterly 60(2):68-78. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 1995. Organizational learning and international joint ventures. Journal of International Management 1:165-198.

Inkpen, A. C. and N. Choudhury. 1995. The seeking of strategy where it is not: Towards a theory of strategy absence. Strategic Management 164(313-323):. DOI: 10.1002/smj.4250160405. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and M. M. Crossan. 1995. Believing is seeing: Joint ventures and organization learning. Journal of Management Studies 32(5):595-618. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.1995.tb00790.x. (link )


Crossan, M. M. and A. C. Inkpen. 1994. Commentary: Promise and reality of learning through alliances. The International Executive 36(3):263-273. DOI: 10.1002/tie.5060360302. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. 1994. The Japanese corporate network transferred to North America: Implications for North American firms. The International Executive 36(4):411-433. DOI: 10.1002/tie.5060360404 . (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and P. W. Beamish. 1994. An analysis of twenty-five years of research in the Journal of International Business Studies. Journal of International Business Studies 25(4):703-713. DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490220. (link )

Inkpen, A. C. and J. Birkenshaw. 1994. International joint ventures and performance: An interorganizational perspective. International Business Review 3(3):201-217. DOI: 10.1016/0969-5931(94)90002-7. (link )


Morrison, A. J. and A. C. Inkpen. 1991. An analysis of significant contributions to the international business literature. Journal of International Business Studies 22(1):143-153. (link )


Inkpen, A. C. and N. Choudhury. 1989. Information technology: A view from the top. Singapore Journal of Information Technology 2(3):34-40.



Inkpen, A. C., M. H. Moffett and K. Ramaswamy. 2017. The Global Oil and Gas Industry: Case Studies from the Field. PennWell Corp. Tulsa, OK. ISBN: 978-1593703813.


Werner, S., A. Inkpen and M. H. Moffett. 2016. Managing Human Resources in the Oil & Gas Industry. PennWell Corp. Tulsa, OK. ISBN: 978-1593703622.


Inkpen, A. and M. H. Moffett. 2011. The Global Oil & Gas Industry: Management, Strategy, and Finance. PennWell Corp. Tulsa, OK. ISBN: 978-1593702397.


Inkpen, A. and K. Ramaswamy. 2006. Global Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Advantage Across Borders. Oxford University Press. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0195167207.


Beamish, P. W., A. J. Morrison, P. Rosenzweig and A. Inkpen. 2003. International Management: Text and Cases. McGraw Hill/Irwin. Burr Ridge, IL. ISBN: 978-0072485813.


Beamish, P. W., A. J. Morrison, P. Rosenzweig and A. C. Inkpen. 2000. International Management: Text and Cases. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Burr Ridge, IL.


Inkpen, A. C. 1995. The Management of International Joint Ventures: An Organizational Learning Perspective. Routledge. ISBN: 9780415117067.

Inkpen, A. C., P. W. Beamish, J. N. Fry and J. P. Killing. 1995. Cases in Strategic Management. Irwin. Burr Ridge, IL.

Book Chapters


Inkpen, A. C. and K. Ramaswamy. 2018. State-owned multinationals and drivers of sustainability practices: An exploratory study of national oil companies. Pp. 95-117 In: Dorobantu, S., R. V. Aguilera, J. Luo and F. J. Milliken eds., Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Vol 38. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978-1-78756-316-2 .


Inkpen, A. and K. Ramaswamy. 2017. Breaking up global value chains: Evidence from the global oil and gas industry. Pp. 55-80 In: Pedersen, T., T. M. Devinny, L. Tihanyi and A. Camuffo eds., Breaking up the Global Value Chain: Opportunities and Consequences. Vol 30. Emerald Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-78743-072-3 .


Sundaram, A. K. and A. C. Inkpen. 2010. Stakeholder theory and "The Corporate Objective Revisisted": A reply. Pp. Chapter 28 In: Phillips, R. A. and R. E. Freeman eds., Stakeholders. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 84844 780 6.


Inkpen, A. C. 2009. Strategic alliances. Pp. 389-414 In: Rugman, A. M. ed., The Oxford Handbook of International Business. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199234257.001.0001. ISBN: 9780199234257.

Rivera-Santos, M. and A. C. Inkpen. 2009. Joint ventures and alliances. Pp. 198-217 In: Kotabe, M. and K. Helsen eds., The SAGE Handbook of International Marketing. SAGE Publications. London, UK. ISBN: 978-1412934282.


Currall, S. C. and A. C. Inkpen. 2008. A multilevel approach to trust in joint ventures. Pp. 631-647 In: Bachmann, R. and A. Zaheer eds., Landmark Papers on Trust. Vol II. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 84542 934 8.

Inkpen, A. C. and A. Dinur. 2008. Knowledge management processes and international joint ventures. Pp. Chapter 17 In: Starbuck, W. H. ed., Managing Learning and Knowledge: Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Vol I. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 84542 861 7.


Currall, S. C. and A. C. Inkpen. 2006. On the complexity of organizational trust: A multi-level co-evolutionary perspective and guidelines for future research. Pp. 235-246 In: Bachmann, R. and A. Zaheer eds., Handbook of Trust Research. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 84376 754 1.


Inkpen, A. 2005. Knowledge acquisition and transfer in strategic alliances. Pp. 97-114 In: Davis, J., E. Subrahmanian and A. W. Westerberg eds., Knowledge Management: Organizational and Technological Dimensions. Physica-Verlag. Heidelberg, New York.

Inkpen, A. C. 2005. Knowledge life cycles and entrepreneurial ventures. Pp. 163-167 In: Hitt, M. A. and R. D. Ireland eds., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management: Entrepreneurship. Vol III. Blackwell. New York, NY.


Inkpen, A. C. 2004. Yves Dos and international management. Pp. 43-52 In: Hitt, M. A. and J. L. Cheng eds., Theories of the Multinational Enterprise: Diversity, Complexity and Relevance. Vol 16. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.


Currall, S. C. and A. C. Inkpen. 2003. Strategic alliances and the evolution of trust across organization levels. Pp. Chapter 26 In: West, M. A., D. Tjosvold and K. G. Smith eds., International Handbook of Organizational Teamwork and Cooperative Working. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-471-48539-1.

Inkpen, A. C. 2003. Strategic alliances. Pp. 402-427 In: Rugman, A. M. and T. L. Brewer eds., The Oxford Handbook of International Business. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0199258413.

Makino, S. and A. C. Inkpen. 2003. Knowledge seeking FDI and learning across borders. Pp. Chapter 11 In: Easterly-Smith, M. and M. A. Lyles eds., The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-631-22672-7.


Beamish, P. W. and A. C. Inkpen. 2002. Japanese firms and the decline of the Japanese expatriate. In: Beamish, P. W., A. Delios and S. Makino eds., Japanese Subsidiaries in the New Global Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978-1840647358.

Inkpen, A. C. 2002. Learning, knowledge management and strategic alliances: So many studies, so many unanswered questions. Pp. 267-289 In: Contractor, F. J. and P. Lorange eds., Cooperative Strategies and Alliances. Emerald Group Publishing.


Inkpen, A. C. 2001. Strategic alliances. Pp. 409--432 In: Hitt, M. A., R. E. Freeman and J. S. Harrison eds., The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management. Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-631-21860-9.

Inkpen, A. C. and A. Madok. 2001. The valuation of alliance knowledge. Pp. 49-63 In: Contractor, F. J. ed., Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations. Quorum Books. Westport, CT. ISBN: 978-1567204124.


Currall, S. C. and A. C. Inkpen. 2000. Joint venture trust: Interpersonal, inter-group, and inter-firm levels. Pp. 324-240 Cooperative Strategy: Economic, Business, and Organizational Issues. Oxford University Press. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0199248537.

Inkpen, A. C. 2000. Managing global strategic alliances. Pp. 88-109 In: Grosse, R. E. ed., Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy. Wiley. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0-471-32606-9.

Inkpen, A. C. 2000. Strategy absence. Pp. 273-287 In: Rabin, J., G. J. Miller and W. B. Hildreth eds., Handbook of Strategic Management. Marcel Dekker. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0824703394.


Inkpen, A. C. 1997. An examination of knowledge management in international joint ventures. Pp. 337-369 In: Beamish, P. W. and J. P. Killing eds., Cooperative Strategies: North American Perspectives. Vol 1. Lexington Press. San Francisco, CA. ISBN: 978-0787908133.

Inkpen, A. C. and S. C. Currall. 1997. International joint venture trust: An empirical examination. Pp. 308-334 In: Beamish, P. W. and J. P. Killing eds., Cooperative Strategies: North American Perspectives. Lexington Press. San Francisco, CA. ISBN: 978-0787908133.

Tiemessen, I., M. M. Crossan, H. Lane and A. C. Inkpen. 1997. Knowledge management in international joint ventures. Pp. 370-399 In: Beamish, P. W. and J. P. Killing eds., Cooperative Strategies: North American Perspectives. Lexington Press. San Francisco. CA. ISBN: 978-0787908133.


Inkpen, A. C. 1994. The characteristics and performance of Japanese-North American joint ventures in North America. In: Prasad, S. ed., Advances in International Comparative Management. Vol 9. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 9781559387231.


Inkpen, A. C. 1993. Japanese joint ventures in the automotive industry: Implications for North American suppliers. In: Molot, M. A. ed., Driving Continentally: National Policies and the North American Auto Industry. Carleton University Press. Ottawa. ISBN: 978-0886291976.