Eileen Merritt
Affiliate Global Futures Scholar, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
- Affiliate Global Futures Scholar, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Eileen Merritt, PhD is an assistant professor in elementary sustainability education at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and a researcher with the Sustainability Science Education initiative. She developed her passion for environmental and sustainability education while teaching for 16 years in public school classrooms in Virginia. Dr. Merritt received two graduate degrees from the University of Virginia: a master’s degree in science education, and a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology/ Applied Developmental Science. Her research focuses on observational studies of classrooms; she loves seeing the wonderful work that teachers are doing every day to help their students learn and thrive. She is currently working as a Co-Principal Investigator on an Institute of Education Sciences development grant focused on training teachers to implement environmental service-learning projects with their students. She knows that educators and their students can work together to create a better future for our global community.
- PhD, Educational Psychology, University of Virginia, 2012
- MEd, Science Education, University of Virginia, 1994
- BA, Elementary Education, College of William and Mary, 1987
Journal Articles
Brandt, J., M. Barth, E. G. Merritt and A. E. Hale. 2020. A matter of connection: The 4 Cs of learning in pre-service teacher education for sustainability. 279. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123749. (link )
Merritt, E. G., N. Bowers and S. E. Rimm-Kaufman. 2019. Making connections: Elementary students' ideas about electricity and energy resources. Renewable Energy 138(Aug):1078-1086. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.02.047. (link )
Merritt, E. G., A. E. Hale and L. Archambault. 2019. Changes in pre-service teachers’ values, sense of agency, motivation and consumption practices: A case study of an education for sustainability course.. Sustainability 11(1):Art. 155. DOI: 10.3390/su11010155. (link )
Archambault, L., E. G. Merritt and A. Hale. 2018. Breaking through barriers: Using the sustainability education framework for teachers to build sustainability literacy in K-12 classrooms. Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly V(2):62-71. (link )
Henderson Pinter, H., E. G. Merritt, R. Q. Berry III and S. E. Rimm-Kaufman. 2018. The importance of structure, clarity, representation, and language in elementary mathematics instruction. Investigations in Mathematics Learning 10(2):106-127. DOI: 10.1080/19477503.2017.1375354. (link )
Merritt, E. G., L. Archambault and A. E. Hale. 2018. Sustainability education in elementary classrooms: Reported practices of alumni from a pre-service teacher course. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education 9(1):18-35. DOI: 10.2478/dcse-2018-0002. (link )
Banse, H. W., N. A. Palacios, E. G. Merritt and S. E. Rimm-Kaufman. 2017. Scaffolding English language learners' mathematical talk in the context of Calendar Math. The Journal of Educational Research 110(2):199-208. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2015.1075187. (link )
Merritt, E. G. 2017. Going outdoors: A natural antidote for attention fatigue?. Phi Delta Kappan 99(2):21-25. DOI: 10.1177/0031721717734185. (link )
Merritt, E. G., J. Chiu, E. Peters-Burton and R. Bell. 2017. Teachers’ integration of scientific and engineering practices in primary classrooms. Research in Science Education DOI: 10.1007/s11165-016-9604-0. (link )
Merritt, E. G., N. A. Palacios, H. W. Banse, S. E. Rimm-Kaufman and M. Leis. 2017. Teaching practices in grade 5 mathematics classrooms with high-achieving English learner students. The Journal of Educational Research 110(1):17-31. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2015.1034352. (link )
Merritt, E. G., C. Rates, J. Greiner, A. Baroody and S. E. Rimm-Kaufman. 2017. We need trees to line the river to save our little friends”: Environmental literacy development through service-learning. Children, Youth and Environments 27(1):67-90. DOI: 10.7721/chilyoutenvi.27.1.0067. (link )
Banse, H. W., N. A. Palacios, E. G. Merritt and S. E. Rimm-Kaufman. 2016. 5 Strategies for scaffolding math discourse with ELLs. Teaching Children Mathematics 23(2):1-10. (link )
Merritt, E. G. 2016. Time for teacher learning, planning critical for school reform. Phi Delta Kappan 98(4):31-36. DOI: 10.1177/0031721716681774. (link )
Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., R. A. Larsen, A. E. Baroody, T. W. Curby, M. Ko, J. B. Thomas, E. G. Merritt, T. Abry and J. DeCoster. 2014. Efficacy of the Responsive Classroom approach. American Educational Research Journal 51(3):567-603. DOI: 10.3102/0002831214523821. (link )
Griggs, M. S., S. E. Rimm-Kaufman, E. G. Merritt and C. L. Patton. 2013. The Response Classroom approach and fifth grade students' math and science anxiety and self-efficacy. School Psychology Quarterly 28(4):360-373. DOI: 10.1037/spq0000026. (link )
Merritt, E. G. and E. Shifflett. 2012. Landing safely on Mars. Science and Children 49(5):32-36. (link )
Merritt, E. G., S. B. Wanless, S. E. Rimm-Kaufman, C. Cameron and J. L. Peugh. 2012. The contribution of teachers’ emotional support to children’s social behaviors and self-regulatory skills in first grade. School Psychology Review 41(2):141-159. (link )
Merritt, E. G., S. E. Rimm-Kaufman, R. Q. Berry III, T. A. Walkowiak and E. R. McCracken. 2010. A reflection framework for teaching math. Teaching Children Mathematics 17(4):239-248. (link )
Furman, T. and E. Merritt. 2000. A data-intensive approach to studying climate and climate change in Africa. Journal of Geoscience Education 48(4):464-468. DOI: 10.5408/1089-9995-48.4.464. (link )
Klein, E. S. and E. Merritt. 1994. Environmental education as a model for constructivist teaching. The Journal of Environmental Education 25(3):14-21. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.1994.9941953. (link )
Book Chapters
Chiu, J. and E. G. Merritt. 2017. Digital media and learning. In: Pepper, K. ed., The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning . SAGE Publishing. ISBN: 9781483385211.