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Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability
in Science and Technology Museums

Engage the public in sustainability through the educational power of science and technology centers and museums

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Why science museums?

Science museums are trusted public institutions and a perfect venue to engage the world’s citizens to learn about and address solutions to global challenges we face. Educational programs, exhibits, demonstrations and interpretive tools have the potential to help millions of museum visitors understand the social, environmental and economic impact of human behavior on the planet’s future.

What we do

The Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums program supports science museums in their efforts to expand their sustainability programming through content-rich trainings, interactive activity kits and other resources that museums can use to promote sustainability science and practice. Ultimately, this program is developing a network of science centers and museums that have a shared goal of increasing public understanding and interest in sustainability action on a global scale.

How we do it

Created by a team of sustainability scientists, museum professionals and informal science experts at to educate children and adults on core sustainability science concepts, these kits are designed to be flexible for use at science centers, special events and summer camps.

The Sustainability Fellowship program provides professional development and support for staff at museums and other informal learning organizations who are interested in developing sustainability-related projects. In 2021-2022, the NISE Network will support three cohorts of Sustainability Fellows, who will participate in the program for a period of approximately six months. Applications are being accepted now through the . Application deadline is March 1, 2021.

Our partners

The Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums program is operated by the and the , and was conceived by the ASU Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives through close partnerships with and . We also collaborate closely with to help museums find ways to incorporate sustainability within their institutions.

Through participation in our first Fellowship cohort, in Bristol has become an integral partner, agreeing to co-sponsor our first Regional Sustainability in Science Museums Fellowship in May, 2017.

For more information, contact:

Bethany Lang
Administrative Assistant


The Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums program is supported through funding from the .