Cook, E. M., M. Berbés-Blázquez, R. Carrero, N. B. Grimm, D. M. Iwaniec, P. T. McPhearson, P. Mendez-Lazaro, T. A. Munoz-Erickson, A. Mustafa, L. Ortiz and J. Santos-Hernández. 2019. The future of San Juan, Puerto Rico: Assessing tradeoffs of co-developed future visions for a resilient San Juan. Presentation at the ESAUSSEE 2019, August 11-16, 2019, Louisville, KY. (link )
Roy Chowdhury, R., G. Hydrick, C. Cheng, A. Barnett, D. P. Eisenman, J. Santos-Hernández and V. Shandas. 2018. A conceptual framework for urban vulnerability analysis in sustainability science: Integrating socio-ecological-technological systems. Presentation at the Annual , April 10-14, 2018, New Orleans, LA. (link )
Santos-Hernández, J., A. Robles-Morua, G. Álvarez Rosario, V. S. Verduzco, A. Mendez, E. Calvo and E. Tapia. 2017. Drought task force: Ongoing research and future directions. Presentation at the 2nd Annual UREx SRN All Hands Meeting, New York, NY.