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Katinka Wijsman

Katinka Wijsman

Graduate Research Fellow, Emeritus, Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network, The New School

Politics Department
New School fo Social Research


  • PhD Candidate, Politics Department, The New School for Social Research
  • Graduate Research Fellow, Emeritus, Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network, The New School


Katinka Wijsman is a PhD Candidate at the Politics Department at the New School for Social Research and a member of the Urban Systems Lab at The New School. Her expertise is in environmental politics and governance, which she studies through methods including interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Her dissertation research, tentatively called Shoreline Politics, interrogates the politics of creating resilient coastal areas in cities, with specific attention to the introduction of nature-based or green infrastructure. Her interdisciplinary research draws from politics, geography, and anthropology to understand how space and futurity is (re)made in the contexts of climate change.

Katinka teaches courses in environmental justice, feminist approaches to environmental problems and knowledge, and research methods. She holds a MSc from Leiden University in Industrial Ecology, and a MSc and BSc from the University of Amsterdam in Political Science.

Journal Articles


Grabowski, Z. J., K. Wijsman, C. Tomateo and P. T. McPhearson. 2022. How deep does justice go? Addressing ecological, indigenous, and infrastructural justice through nature-based solutions in New York City. Environmental Science & Policy 138(December):171-181. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2022.09.022. (link )


Grabowski, Z. J., P. T. McPhearson, K. Wijsman, L. Ortiz and P. Herreros-Cantis. 2021. The Case of Green Infrastructure in NYC (USA): Ecological spontaneity and infrastructuralization in the context of settler colonialism, capitalism, and white supremacy.

Wijsman, K., D. Auyeung, P. Brashear, B. F. Branco, K. Graziano, P. M. Groffman, H. Cheng and D. Corbett. 2021. Operationalizing resilience: co-creating a framework to monitor hard, natural, and nature-based shoreline features in New York State. Ecology and Society 26(3):10. DOI: 10.5751/ES-12182-260310. (link )


Wijsman, K. and M. Feagan. 2019. Rethinking knowledge systems for urban resilience: Feminist and decolonial contributions to just transformations. Environmental Science & Policy 98(Aug):70-76. DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVSCI.2019.04.017. (link )


Ticktin, M. and K. Wijsman. 2017. Review of Maria Puig de la Bellacasa’s ‘Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds’. Hypatia Reviews Online (link )


Cohen, N. and K. Wijsman. 2014. Urban agriculture as green iInfrastructure: The case of New York City. Urban Agriculture Magazine 27:16-19. (link )


Loorbach, D. and K. Wijsman. 2013. Business transition management: exploring a new role for business in sustainability transitions. Journal of Cleaner Production 45(Apr):20-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.11.002. (link )

Book Chapters


McPhearson, P. T. and K. Wijsman. 2017. Transitioning Complex Urban Systems: An Urban Ecology Approach to Urban Sustainability Transitions. Pp. 65-85 Urban Sustainability Transitions. Springer. ISBN: 9780415784184.


Cohen, N. and K. Wijsman. 2016. The coevolution of urban-agriculture practive, planning, and policy. Pp. 215-229 In: Dawson, J. C. and A. Morales eds., Cities of Farmers: Urban Agricultural Practices and Processes. University of Iowa Press. ISBN: 9781609384371.



Hobbins, R. J., L. Charli-Joseph, E. M. Cook, H. Eakin, D. M. Iwaniec, T. A. Munoz-Erickson, B. Orr, P. Pajouhesh, K. Wijsman and M. Feagan. 2017. Problemizing inclusivity within and across the Sustainability Research Network. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual UREx SRN All Hands Meeting, New York, NY.



Feagan, M. and K. Wijsman. 2019. Transforming knowledge systems for urban resilience: Feminist and decolonial contributions. Presentation at the 2019 Mexico Conference on Earth Systems Governance, November 6-8, 2019, Oaxaca, Mexico. (link )