Rebecca Shelton
PhD Student, Sustainability, School of Sustainability
School of Sustainability
Arizona State University
PO Box 875502
Tempe, AZ 85287-5502
- PhD Student, Sustainability, School of Sustainability
Rebecca Shelton began the PhD program at Arizona State University in the Fall of 2016. Her thesis explores power and politics in the transition away from the extractive fossil fuel industry in East Kentucky through the lens of Just Transitions and sustainability transitions towards transformative futures. As a research assistant for MEGADAPT and the Pathway to Sustainability Transformation Laboratories Program, she is investigating social learning in water resource management and transformative agency in socio-ecological systems. During her master's degree she studied the effects of agricultural management practices on greenhouse gases and nitrogen loss at the field level.
Research Assistant Experience
- MEGADAPT, Dr. HallieEakin
- Transformations to Sustainability, The Pathways Network, Dr. Hallie Eakin
- Games for Sustainability, Dr. Marco Janssen
- The McCulley Grassland Ecology Lab, Dr. Rebecca McCulley
- Spoken Languages:
- Spanish (professional proficiency)
- MS, Integrated Plant and Soil Science, University of Kentucky, 2015
- BS, Environmental Science, Furman University, 2012
- just transitions
- power and politics in socio-technical transitions
- social learning
- transformations towards sustainability
- transformative agency
External Links
Journal Articles
Eakin, H., R. Shelton, J. M. Siqueiros-Garcia, L. Charli-Joseph and D. Manuel-Navarrete. 2019. Loss and social-ecological transformation: pathways of change in Xochimilco, Mexico. Ecology and Society 24(3):Art. 15. DOI: 10.5751/ES-11030-240315. (link )
Charli-Joseph, L., L. Charli-Joseph, J. M. Siqueiros-Garcia, J. M. Siqueiros-Garcia, H. Eakin, H. Eakin, D. Manuel-Navarrete, D. Manuel-Navarrete, R. Shelton and R. Shelton. 2018. Promoting agency for social-ecological transformation: a transformation-lab in the Xochimilco social-ecological system. Ecology and Society 2(Art. 46):. DOI: 10.5751/ES-10214-230246. (link )
Shelton, R., A. Baeza-Castro, M. A. Janssen and H. Eakin. 2018. Managing household socio-hydrological risk in Mexico city: A game to communicate and validate computational modeling with stakeholders. Journal of Environmental Management 227(Dec):200-208. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.08.094. (link )
Shelton, R., K. L. Jacobsen and R. L. McCulley. 2018. Cover crops and fertilization alter nitrogen loss in organic and conventional conservation agriculture systems. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:2260. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02260. (link )
McIntyre, T., M. Chaves, L. Weber, R. Shelton, A. Cremaschi and H. Lotz-Sisitka. 2018. Introducción al Programa Transformaciones hacia la sustentabilidad de Consejo Internacional de Ciencias Sociales ISSC: PATHWAYS, ACKnowl-EJ. T-Learning. Presentation at the Congreso Internacional de Aprendizaje T-learning en tiempos de cambio climático, 9-10 June 2018, University of Quindio, Quindio, Columbia.
Shelton, R. 2018. The Kentucky tobacco transition: exploring transitional outcomes from a socio-ecological systems perspective. Presentation at the ERPI 2018 International Conference Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World, 17-18 March 2018, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands.
Shelton, R., H. Eakin, A. Baeza-Castro and M. A. Janssen. 2017. Innovative & Immersive Session: A board game of Mexico City’s socio-hydrological system to communicate and validate an agent-based model with stakeholders. Presentation at the Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society, 7-10 November 2017, Oaxaca. Mexico.
Shelton, R., M. A. Janssen and R. L. McCulley. 2015. Investigating nitrogen dynamics and loss in conventionally and organically managed conservation agriculture systems with wheat and hairy vetch cover crops. Presentation at the Ecological Society of America Conference, August 2015, Baltimore, MD.
Shelton, R. and A. Häger. 2012. A comparison of aboveground carbon storage in agrofrorestry systems and in secondary forest in Costa Rica. Presentation at the Geological Society of America Conference, March 2012, Asheville, NC.
Working Papers
Shelton, R., M. A. Janssen and R. Meinzen-Dick. 2018. Measuring learning from interventions through participatory processes. #CBIE-2018-004.