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Sustainability News

September 3, 2020

The Office of Health Futures at ASU Knowledge Enterprise and Rachel Levinson (Executive Director, National Research Initiatives at ASU in DC) have developed a living document to help faculty and researchers across ASU:

  1. Find, track, and win COVID-19-related funding opportunities (including but not excluded to NIH funding)
  2. Rapidly form interdisciplinary teams around funding opportunities and targeted research areas
  3. Connect with clinical partners in real-time
  4. Track submissions and awards

Anyone at ASU can access and use the tool.

The Knowledge Enterprise understands that this will be the first of many iterations of this tool and welcomes your feedback on how it might be improved. Due to the time-sensitive nature of these opportunities, however, they wanted to get this tool into your hands as quickly as possible, and therefore, have added a sheet in the document for you to log your comments and questions, which they will review and respond to on a weekly basis. You may also email your thoughts and suggestions to Michelle Villegas-Gold directly