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Sustainability News

October 1, 2020

In a shared effort to support increased access and affordability to high-quality learning experiences, Pearson is partnering with ASU to provide access for all enrolled ASU students to all Pearson eText and premium digital courseware products (i.e. MyLabs, Mastering and Revel) at no cost. According to the College Board, the average college student spends more than $1,200 on books and materials (Kristof, 2018). As these titles will be free of cost to all students whether Online or On-campus, faculty who opt-in to the offer will enable a reduction in textbook expenses.

Only textbooks that are available on Pearson’s new eText platform are included. Availability of titles will continue to expand rapidly but will not include old editions or books out-of-publication. In addition to becoming free, the distribution of the titles through the digital eText also ensures seamless access for students. With the launch of Pearson eText 2.0, students will now be able to access their course materials without leaving Canvas. This will allow for material access on day one of classes for all students, both international and domestic, regardless of where the students reside. The easy-to-use, Pearson eText will allow students to continue learning no matter where their day takes them.

Access to these Pearson products will become available in a three-phased approach throughout the coming year.

Pilot Stage

The first stage of the partnership is being launched in Fall B 2020 as a pilot program for a select few courses and books used in ASU Online. Instructors are already being contacted for their interest in the pilot program. This will allow testing of the distribution and ease of use for faculty and students.

Digital eText 2.0: Spring A 2021

By Spring 2021, over 450 Pearson eText titles will be made available free of cost to students. Setup of eText 2.0 within canvas is a simple four-step process that can be completed within several minutes. There are easy-to-follow demonstration videos to assist with each step and a key contact that can be reached should additional support be needed. ASU ID’s are also prepared to assist.

Digital Courseware: Spring B 2021/Summer A 2021

Courseware such as MyLabs, Mastering and Revel will be added to the free content that is available to all faculty and students by Spring B. Reaching every student is challenging in teaching and learning environment that increasingly is a mix of synchronous/asynchronous engagement; offered in-person or remote; to five or 500 students. A pedagogy deploying active learning can be an important tool. Pearson’s courseware can provide a variety of personalized tools and products to fit faculty and students’ needs at no cost. Updated Canvas integration will allow for an easy-to-use student and faculty experience.

The full list of titles can be found in this google link (Note, every title that is listed will become available in Pearson eText by Spring semester 2021, even if not yet designated in the google link). To explore these offers for students in your courses, or to find out more about a product/title availability, it is requested that faculty fill out the information form found here no later than October 15, 2020, for your Spring A and C 2021 needs. It is worth reinforcing that this is an option for faculty as they select their learning materials. Final opt-in to enable these offers will be October 30.

Please reach out to Vice Provost Art Blakemore with any questions.