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Sustainability News

January 26, 2021

ASU students are invited to an informational call on Jan. 27 at noon MSG to learn more about the 2021 Congressional Innovation Scholars Program. Calls will last approximately 60 minutes with lots of opportunity for Q&A.

Nominations are also open for their Congressional Innovation Scholars Program, and they offer a $500 diversity referral award to anyone that refers them to a fellow from an underrepresented community. Most of their fellows to date found out about the program from a friend or colleague. Please nominate good candidates for this opportunity and encourage them to apply.

The program pays an $60,000 annual-equivalent stipend and other benefits and fellows have done incredible work like passing the OPEN Government Data Act into law, organizing the first hearing on facial recognition, and working on the House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee report on Big Tech.