Netra Chhetri
Associate Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Global Futures
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Arizona State University
PO Box 875603
Tempe, AZ 85287-5603
- Senior Global Futures Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
- Associate Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Global Futures
- Associate Professor, Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Affiliated Faculty, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes, Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation
Netra B. Chhetri has been in the forefront of advancing innovative approaches to climate adaptation that tie together and link multi-scalar processes between environmental dynamics and social outcomes. Working at the complex intersections of climate change adaptation, food security, resource governance, grassroots innovation, and public engagement Professor Chhetri's skill set allows him to span the boundary of knowledge and practice, so that each reinforces the other.
As a scholar, Professor Chhetri's efforts to develop a method for assessing the multiple sources of environmental impacts on society is unique and an important tool for designing and prioritizing climate adaptation strategies. As a practitioner, he has more than a decade of experience working at the complex intersection of science and policy and developing most promising solutions that focus on scalability, impact, and sustainability.
Professor Chhetri's expertise in global food security has evolved to focus on the impacts of climate change on global food systems, leading him to be one of the contributing authors to the Fourth (2007) and Fifth (2014) Assessment Reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His work appears in numerous prestigious and peer-reviewed publications including Nature and the Journal of the National Academy of the Sciences. He is also a part of a team exploring how biofuel crops such as perennial grasses can be grown sustainably in the United States.
Professor Chhetri regularly teaches courses: Global Change, Human and Social Dimensions of Climate Change, and Cultural Perspectives on Sustainability.
- PhD, Geography, Pennsylvania State University, 2007
- MS, Geography, Pennsylvania State University, 2000
- Honorary Diploma, Permaculture, University of Tasmania, 1991
- BS, Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 1982
Journal Articles
Chhetri, N., R. Ghimire, M. Wagner and M. Wang. 2020. Global citizen deliberation: Case of world-wide views on climate and energy. Energy Policy 147(Dec):111892. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111892. (link )
Thompson, I., M. Shrestha, N. Chhetri and D. B. Agusdinata. 2020. An institutional analysis of glacial floods and disaster risk management in the Nepal Himalaya. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 47(Aug):101567. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101567. (link )
Ishtiaque, A., H. Eakin, N. Chhetri, S. W. Myint, A. Dewan and M. Kamruzzaman. 2019. Examination of coastal vulnerability framings at multiple levels of governance using spatial MCDA approach. Ocean & Coastal Management 171(Apr):66-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.01.020. (link )
Sze, J., T. Perkins, J. Anand and N. Chhetri. 2018. Stories from the field: Public engagement through the environmental humanities and allied disciplines. Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities 5(2):49-73. DOI: 10.5250/resilience.5.2.0049. (link )
Ishtiaque, A., M. Shrestha and N. Chhetri. 2017. Rapid urban growth in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Monitoring land use cover dynamics of a Himalayan city with Landsat imageries. Environments 4(4):Art. 72. DOI: 10.3390/environments4040072. (link )
Chaudhary, P., N. Chhetri, B. Dorman, T. Gegg, R. B. Rana, M. Shrestha, K. Thapa, K. Lamsal and S. Thapa. 2015. Turning conflict into collaboration in managing commons: A case of Rupa Lake Watershed, Nepal. International Journal of the Commons 9(2):744-771. (link )
Ummenhofer, C. C., H. Xu, T. E. Twince, E. H. Girvetz, H. R. McCarthy, N. Chhetri and K. A. Nicholas. 2015. How climate change affects extremes in maize and wheat yield in two cropping regions. Journal of Climate 28(12):4653-4687. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00326.1. (link )
Challinor, A. J., J. Watson, D. B. Lobell, S. M. Howden, D. R. Smith and N. Chhetri. 2014. A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4:287-291. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2153. (link )
Wagner, M., N. Chhetri and M. Sturm. 2014. Adaptive capacity in light of Hurricane Sandy: The need for policy engagement. Applied Geography 50(Jun):15-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.01.009. (link )
Amaru, S. and N. B. Chhetri. 2013. Climate adaptation: Institutional response to environmental constraints, and the need for increased flexibility, participation, and integration of approaches. Applied Geography 39(May):128-139. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.12.006. (link )
Chhetri, N., M. Subedi and S. Ghimire. 2013. Niche-based responses in addressing the climatic constraints to farm production: Analogues to climate-change adaptation in Nepal. Climate and Development 5(2):174-181. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2013.789790. (link )
Chhetri, N., P. Chaudhary, P. R. Tiwari and R. B. Yadaw. 2012. Institutional and technological innovation: Understanding agricultural adaptation to climate change in Nepal. Applied Geography 33(Apr):142-150. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.10.006. (link )
Rodima-Taylor, D., M. F. Olwig and N. Chhetri. 2012. Adaptation as innovation, innovation as adaptation: An institutional approach to climate change. Applied Geography 33(Apr):107-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.10.011. (link )
Chhetri, N. 2011. Climate sensitive measure of agricultural intensity: Case of Nepal. Applied Geography 31(2):808-819. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.08.007. (link )
Chhetri, N. 2011. Water demand management: Assessing impacts of climate and other changes on water usage in Central Arizona. Journal of Water and Climate Change 2(4):288-312. (link )
Chhetri, N. and P. Chaudhary. 2011. Green revolution: Pathways to food security in an era of climate variability and change?. JDR 8(5):486-497. DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2011.p0486. (link )
Chhetri, N. B. and W. E. Easterling. 2010. Adapting to climate change: Retrospective analysis of climate technology interaction in the rice-based farming system of Nepal. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(5):1156-1176. DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2010.518035. (link )
Chhetri, N. B., W. E. Easterling, A. Terando and L. Mearns. 2010. Modeling path dependence in agricultural adaptation to climate variability and change. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(4):894-907. DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2010.500547. (link )
Nyaupane, G. P. and N. Chhetri. 2009. Vulnerablility to climate change of nature-based tourism in the Nepalese Himilayas. Tourism Geographies 11(1):95-119. DOI: 10.1080/14616680802643359. (link )
Chhetri, N. B. and W. E. Easterling. 2008. Climate change and food security in dryland region of the world. Annals of Arid Zone 47(3-4):1-12. (link )
Howden, S. M., J. Soussana, F. N. Tubiello, N. Chhetri, M. Dunlop and H. Meinke. 2007. Adapting agriculture to climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(50):19691-19696. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0701890104. (link )
Easterling, W. E., N. Chhetri and X. Niu. 2003. Improving the realism of modeling agronomic adaptation to climate change: Simulating technological substitution. Climatic Change 60:149-173. DOI: 10.1023/A:1026023712494. (link )
Matthews, S. A., G. P. Shivakoti and N. Chhetri. 2000. Population forces and environmental change: Observations from western Chitwan, Nepal. Society & Natural Resources 13(8):763-775. DOI: 10.1080/089419200750035610. (link )
Shivakoti, G. P., W. G. Axinn, P. Bhandari and N. B. Chhetri. 1999. The impact of community context on land use in an agricultural society. Population and Environment 20:191-213. DOI: 10.1023/A:1023398907307. (link )
Chhetri, N. ed. 2012. Human and Social Dimensions of Climate Change. InTechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/3242. ISBN: 978-953-51-0847-4.
Book Chapters
Chhetri, N. and N. Chhetri. 2015. Alternative imaginations: Examining complementarities across knowledge systems. Pp. 11-24 In: Sumida Huaman, E. and B. Sriraman eds., Indigenous Innovation: Universalities and Peculiarities. Sense Publishers. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 9789463002257.
Fang, C. M. and N. Chhetri. 2013. 1.06 - What have we learned about climate variability and human health?. Pp. 79-86 In: Pielke, Sr, R. A. ed., Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-12-384704-1.
Chaudhary, P., K. Thapa, K. Lamsal, P. R. Tiwari and N. Chhetri. 2012. Community-based climate change adaptation for building local resilience. In: Chhetri, N. ed., Human and Social Dimensions of Climate Change. InTechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/3242. ISBN: 978-953-51-0847-4.
Chhetri, N. B. 2012. 9. Adapting agriculture to climate variability and change capacity building through technological innovation. Pp. 181-192 In: Hannachi, A. ed., Climate Variability: Some Aspects, Challenges and Prospects. InTechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/1103. ISBN: 978-953-307-699-7.
Chhetri, N. B. and N. Chhetri. 2010. Sustainability science: Transition towards production of knowledge systems. Encyclopedia Geographic. SAGE Publications.
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Decision making under uncertainty: Ranking of multiple stressors on central Arizona water resources. Poster presented at the January 10, 2007 CAP LTER 9th Annual Poster Symposium, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.. (link )
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Multiple stressors on Central Arizona resources. Poster presented at the Symposium on Sustainable Water, Unlimited Growth, and Quality of Life: Can We Have it All?, Tucson, AZ. August 27 - September 1, 2007.
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Multiple stressors on Central Arizona water resources. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Poster presented October 22-23, 2007 at the Climate Information: Responding to User Needs, College Park, MD.
Neff, M. W., N. Chhetri, D. Sarewitz, L. Hidinger, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Will Phoenix have sufficient water: A workshop to assess stressors on an urban water system. Poster presented at the February 17, 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, CA. (link )
Chhetri, N., M. W. Neff, L. Hidinger and D. Sarewitz. 2006. Sensitivity analysis: Role of human induced stressors in increasing the vulnerability of water resources in Phoenix meteropolitan region. Poster presented at the 6-11 August 2006 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN.
Chhetri, N., M. W. Neff, L. Hidinger and D. Sarewitz. 2006. Sensitivity analysis: Role of human-induced stressors in increasing the vulnerability of water resources in Phoenix metropolitan region. Poster presented at the 6-11 August 2006 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN.
Neff, M. W., N. Chhetri, L. Hidinger and R. M. Meyer. 2006. Science policy and research on climate: Ecosystem sensitivity analysis. Poster presented at the 19 January 2006 CAP LTER 8th Annual Poster Symposium, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (link )
Neff, M. W., N. Chhetri, L. Hidinger and D. Sarewitz. 2006. A preliminary methodology for analysis of ecosystem sensitivity to climate and other drivers of change. Poster presented at the 6-11 August 2006 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN.
Shrestha, M., N. Chhetri and P. Chaudhary. 2014. Long-term changes in livestock management and mountain agroecology in the Upper Gondaki River Basin. Presentation at the Mountain Observatories - A Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems, 16-19 July 2014, University of Nevada-Reno.
Chhetri, N. 2008. Consequences of climate change: Dealing with uncertainty. Presented at the Tempe Library as an outreach to general public of the valley.
Chhetri, N. and U. Chong. 2008. Soft-path solutions under uncertainty: Multiple stressor analysis of water resources in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Paper presented April 18, 2008 at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA.
Chhetri, N. 2007. Decision making under uncertainty: Ranking of multiple stressors on Central Arizona water resources. Paper presented April 18, 2007 at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA.
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Multiple realities: Stressor analysis of water resources in Central Arizona. Paper presented at the April 17-21, 2007 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA.
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Multiple realities: Stressor analysiss of water resources in Central Arizona. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK. Paper presented at the September 18-20, 2007 Conference on Connecting Science, Society and Development, University of Sussex, UK.
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2007. Multiple stressors on Central Arizona water resources. Paper presented February 2-3, 2007 at the Annual Meeting of the Science Policy Assessment and Research on Climate, Tempe, AZ.
Chhetri, N., L. Hidinger, M. W. Neff, M. O Shea, A. Buttar and U. Chong. 2006. Decision making under uncertainty: Ranking of multiple stressors on Central Arizona water resources. Paper presented November 2-3, 2006 at the workshop on Water Stressor Ranking, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (link )
Blog Posts
Graff, S. R., N. Berman, R. Aggarwal, C. M. Edwards, C. Morehart, S. Hamdoun, D. Manuel-Navarrete, O. Iheduru, H. Eakin, M. Parmentier, G. M. Grossman and N. Chhetri. 2020. If "the economy" is collapsing, how do people survive? [Blog Post]. Retrieved from link