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A Fresh Start in Pokhara


A Fresh Start in Pokhara

By Lindsay Zapata

The minute I got out of the hospital I was ready for adventure, and what better place to start than beautiful Pokhara? Nestled among the Annapurna mountain range and the blissfully-blue Fewa Lake, it was impossible for me to feel anything but tranquility and a reinvigorated spirit. Ever since signing up for this study abroad program in December, I had dreamed of seeing Fewa Lake in person. Every day I reimagined of how it would look and feel to meet such majesty in person – so much that I had a Google image of it saved as my phone wallpaper for weeks. Seeing it in person was much more magical than I could have ever anticipated.

Nepal_Pokhara lake
Riding a canoe across the lake and hiking up through the lush green forestry to visit the World Peace Pagoda was an unforgettable moment for me. It took a whole morning to make the journey up but the sight that waited for us at the top was absolutely worth it. The respectful silence and cooling breeze that surrounded the Buddhist monument set the perfect scene for a moment of meditation and gratitude for beautiful Nepal. It also put my responsibility of a global citizen into perspective. Peace Pagodas are built in various corners of Southern Asia with the intention of uniting humans of all kinds and cultures while inspiring audiences to create a more inclusive and forgiving world. Privileged to have an education, good health and a happy home, I am empowered to spread positivity to those I know and those I have yet to meet.

Nepal_PagodaSometimes, in our hectic and crazy lives, it is incredibly easy to forget our true role in the human race. We overlook the friendly nods of the mailmen and the cries of small children – all the little innuendos that make us human. Our differences make us frustrated. They may make us debate and commit very hurtful acts that we cannot take back. But there is one single reminder that can help us prevent even our smallest aggressions, and that is that we are all humans trying to make it by in this crazy wonderful life. Surely by committing peaceful acts with one another we can make life a bit easier and happier for all.Nepal_Peace Pagoda