Submit an abstract to session at AMS on value of cooling our cities

This year’s annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting will be held in Houston TX on 23-27 January 2022. As part of this conference, the 17th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice is inviting abstracts for a session:

Session Topic ID: 59201
Session Topic Title: The Value of Cooling our Urban Environments

Abstracts DUE: SEPT 1 2021

Session Description:

Cities are warming rapidly due to local and global drivers. This trend is particularly alarming because of the strong positive relationship between ambient air temperature and many adverse outcomes for society, including air conditioning energy use, water consumption, air pollution, and adverse health outcomes. While local and regional governments are increasingly interested in cooling their urban environments, as stewards of public resources, decision-makers must assess the costs and benefits of their actions.

This session explores the societal value of cooling our cities, with an emphasis on quantifying and monetizing the value of cooling. While an obvious simplification, development of such assessments on a per degree C basis, enables the research community to communicate a specific value proposition to regional and local governments so they can weigh the costs and benefits of implementing cooling strategies at scale.

In this session, we are interested in taking a broad look at how urban temperature reductions benefit all aspects of our economy. We therefore invite papers that investigate air temperature impacts on energy and water use and cost, as well as on costs associated with health outcomes associated with extreme heat and air pollution. We also welcome papers that explore other societal impacts such as workforce productivity, real estate values, impacts on tourism, business expansion/relocation decisions, and the associated impacts on tax revenue for cities and regions.


Please submit abstracts HERE. (click on “17th Symposium on Societal Applications…” and search on “value of cooling”).

NOTE: Abstracts are due September 01, 2021