Search Results
MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) imagery and derived data in select neighborhoods of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area
William Stefanov, NA; Alex Buyantuyev, NA; Sharon Harlan, NA; Darrel Jenerette, NA
Ordinary Kriging Precipitation Time Series for surrounding CAPLTER areas, 1999 to 2011
(1999-10-01 to 2011-09-30) Jeff Gray, CAPLTER; Flood Control District of Maricopa County
Study area of the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) project initiated in 1997
(1997 to 2011) Central Arizona Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Project
Urban heat island: temperature climate trends in central Arizona-Phoenix: period 1948 to 2007
(1948-01-01 to 2007-12-31) Anthony Brazel, Arizona State University
End of the first growth period in central Arizona-Phoenix 2001-2002 (Day of Year)
(2001-01-01 to 2002-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Effects of land cover and water availability on brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) flowering phenology and its pollinator community.
Kaesha Neil, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Juanguo Wu, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Water quality at Sycamore Creek research site, central Arizona 1977-1999
(1977-03-05 to 1999-05-27) Nancy Grimm; Stuart Fisher
Climate data for stations near Sycamore Creek research site
(1948-07-01 to 2008-02-29) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Tree health analysis in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
(2006-01-05 to 2008-02-28) Jean Stutz
Mycorrhizal diversity and effects on brittlebush in a Sonoran desert urban ecosystem
(2004-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Robert Bills, Urban Horticulture Program, Arizona State University; Jean Stutz
Data for modelling spatial patterns and determinants of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in Phoenix metro area
(2000-01-16) Elizabeth Wentz; Patricia Gober; Robert Balling; Thomas Day
Mycorrhizae in an experimental urban landscaped site in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2000-01-01 to 2003-12-31) Sean Whitcomb; Jean Stutz
Effects of surface mulches on abiotic properties of drip-irrigated xeric landscapes in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2003-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Catherine Singer, Urban Horticulture Program, Arizona State University; Chris Martin
Spectrally unmixed percent of impervious surface, soil, and vegetation cover in central Arizona-Phoenix, year 2000
(2000-04-19) Soe Myint, Global Institute of Sustainability
Urban forest classification of the central Arizona-Phoenix area from a Landiscor image, year 1997
(1997-04-01) Jason Walker, School of Life Sciences
Monthly maximum air temperature in April (6 year mean) for the central Arizona-Phoenix area, 2000-2005
(2000-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Precipitation analysis of the central Arizona-Phoenix area from 2000 to 2005
(2000-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Three year average ozone concentrations within the central Arizona-Phoenix area, period 2003 to 2005
(2003-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: decomposition, mycorrhizae, and on-site climate - survey year 2000
(1999-02-01 to 2010-06-21) Nancy Grimm, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, NA; Elizabeth Burns, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Longterm monitoring of primary productivity of trees
(2001-11-01 to 2008-01-30) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Robert Bills, School of Live Sciences, Arizona State University; Sarah Celestian, School of Live Sciences, Arizona State University; Catherine Singer, Department of Urban Horticulture, Arizona State University East; Stevan Earl, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Longterm monitoring of primary productivity of trees: Sites
(2001-11-01 to 2005-04-14) Linda Stabler, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Robert Bills, Arizona State University; Sarah Celestian, Arizona State University; Catherine Singer, Arizona State University East
Microclimate measurement, HOBO stations at permanent plots, sites
(2001-01-26 to 2005-01-01) Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Anthony Brazel, Department of Geography, Arizona State University
Microclimate measurement, HOBO stations at permanent plots
(2001-01-26 to 2005-01-01) Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Anthony Brazel, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Arizona Meterological Network (azmet) location of weather stations
(1986-01-01 to 2005-03-06) Arizona Meteorological Network
Water Use and flooding in central Arizona-Phoenix: comparison of water and carbon dioxide uptake by selected plant species among residential patch transition types, from 1998 to 1999.
(1998-09-01 to 1999-06-01) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Jo Blank, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Kathleen Peterson, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Land use effects on temperature and humidity along an urban-rural transect gradient in central Arizona-Phoenix, 1999
(1999-03-14 to 2000-01-07) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Jo Blank, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Kathleen Peterson, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Land use effects on temperature and humidity along an urban-rural transect gradient in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2001-07-02 to 2001-11-30) Anthony Brazel, Department of Geography, Arizona State University; Brent Hedquist, Department of Geography, Arizona State University
Land use effects on temperature and humidity along an urban-rural transect gradient in central Arizona-Phoenix: site locations
(2001-07-02 to 2001-11-30) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; Anthony Brazel, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Brent Hedquist, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Displaying all 28 datasets